Rear Mount Shady Boy Awning - V2 Camper - Modified GFC Bracket

Hello Folks,

Mounted a Shady Boy Awning at the rear of a V2 Standard size camper with slightly modified GFC brackets.
The brackets had to be trimmed to be able to clear the upper extrusion lifting lip.
Others have posted regarding modified or different brackets for a rear mount awning but not this exact configuration.
A couple of folks were interested in how this worked so photos are below.

Rear door and side doors can all open fully.
Side mounted GZila rain-fly pole holders and rods will clear the awning (when side mounted).


Best photos I have of the modified bracket.
Unfortunately forgot to take a picture before I mounted everything…

Corner detail showing clearances with latches, awning poles and GZila rain fly.


Wow @Reggie, that looks great! Thanks for sharing.

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