RTT...no longer looking

Hey everyone,

I’m looking for a RTT, preferably V2 in Phoenix. Please LMK what you have.


I have a V2 RTT in Denver currently I’m considering parting with. It’s mounted on an 80 series currently in the shop getting the engine rebuilt and could use the money to help pay for the rebuild. It’s wired up with lights and a power box with usb and cigarette lighter. It’s got some scratches in the anodized paint on the front from shipping. A forklift got into the box. There was no significant damage though and so didn’t make a fuss out of it. Let me know if interested.

What’s your asking price?


DM sent. Please let me know if it’s still available.

No longer looking. Thanks everyone.

Hi. Where did you get your roof storage pouch? Been looking and doesn’t seem l like Overland Softgoods is going to launch theirs anytime soon…

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