Santa Clarita GFC owners?

Looking for fellow GFC owners in the Santa Clarita area??

I’m in the SFV - I see GFCs around here and Topanga from time to time.

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Do you and other local GFC owners ever get together? Even for a Sat morning cup of coffee somewhere? Just got mine a few weeks ago and would enjoy seeing what others have done or plan on doing, what works, what doesn’t etc.

The only time I’ve come to a GFC related event is when GFC held one in Santa Monica a few years ago.

I am not the person to organize one, but I’d show up to one if it were planned far enough out.

I’m in the same boat. How would Sat morning for coffee (bfast?) somewhere sound? Maybe something in the northern end of SFV? That would be halfway between you and me, and enough time for other GFC owners nearby to chime in and/or attend? Was thinking July 27 or Aug 3?

I’m down for a Saturday morning in August. Let’s see if others in the Los Angeles area are interested. I think you’ll want to advertise citywide, tbh.

Agreed. I’ll put something in meet ups for Aug 3 or 10, see which gets the most response. There’s a place called House Roots coffee house, northwest corner of Mason and Devonshire. Seems like a location that’s central enough for any one between you and me.