Thanks! It’s from C4 Fabrication. It’s the LoPro. I really like it!
Nice truck @rajacat! It’s cool to finally see another F150 with a gfc. How does that buddy heater work for you? Is opening a small window enough to keep the condensation manageable?
The Buddy heater does the job but since it isn’t vented I do keep an eye on it and turn it off at the tank before sleeping. Ideally I’d like a vented heater both for safety and for less condensation. Actually, since I got the Gen. 2 tent, condensation has been no problem.
It’s great to see another F150 owner posting. I’m still in the process of doing my build out. Presently installing a 10 gal. poly water tank to service my galley module. Most of the interior is installed with screws in case I want to remove part of it for hauling stuff and traditional truck duties.
Hoping to pick up our GFC in three months or so!
I love your truck, i have been warring with the purchase of a new zr2 before my camper is in production. you have more pictures of your setup? instagram handle?
Thanks! My set up is pretty simple right now. I’m in the process of designing a small camping/off road type drawer system with room for a 35" tire in the bed by the cab. I usually have a kayak or two in the bed as well for trips so keeping open space with lots of tie downs is important for me. I would highly recommend a Bison if you can afford one, the underbody protection from factory is second to none. Instagram:
Photo from my trip to get my GFC last September. It’s been running strong but has a few hiccups I hope to get worked out soon. In the meantime I’ve been working on my electrical setup and can’t wait to finish up the interior build.
What is your plan on the interior build? I’d love to see what you’re doing with the electrical too!
@SagWagon I figured I’d make a build thread to track everything I have done, working on, and have planned. You can find info here: PNW - Destination Adventure