[SOLD] Custom GFC Tacoma Cabinet Feeler


Putting a feeler out to see if anyone in the Tri-Valley Bay Area would be interested in swooping my custom built GFC cabinet. Pretty niche offering…

I’m scheming on a few adjustments to my setup (more to come on that later) and I want to make sure this really rad piece (custom built by my Dad in 2021) lands in a good place and not a dumpster.

Ton of photos of the cabinet here: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOhAKm7L-o-f7b0jZkvmI4sUdmBuUw4O52-7E84pJbwaURY5qb4vUaT3WTRYsc4hg?key=ZVlxdEFXTlZEcmhZMURCb0hEZFBOcEdXVHFKOTV3

It’s a freestanding unit (not bolted down, screwed down, or strapped down) designed to sit on a plank utilizing the the stock wheelwell slots and tuck in between the GFC and a Dometic fridge (CFX3 95 specifically) (or any other fridge or gear you can imagine up)

Asking ~$50 to recoup some material + labor cost that can be applied to the next iteration we are actively designing :eyes:

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SOLD! @GFC please archive this thread.