Tacoma Rearview Camera Relocate Kit

Hi, I’m open to suggestions here. I have a 2024 Tacoma and had my GFC installed today and relocated both cameras using this kit: Exterior Camera Mount Kit for Toyota Tundra & Tacoma (2022-2024) — GG OFFROAD.

Check out the video link below. It was so bad for two hours of my five hour drive home that the mirror was unusable. It looked like a strobe light it was flashing so much.

Then, I noticed that it was working perfectly and continued to do so for the next hour. I realized that was when I was driving in the treeline shadow at dusk.

After that, it acted up again for the remainder of the trip after dark, whenever there were headlights behind me.

So, either the mount design or the angle is allowing too much light to hit the camera and it’s malfunctioning. Or, perhaps it’s something else and you guys might know what it is. The two connections were double checked and are secure.

Driving on adaptive cruise control with my eyes on the road, here’s how my mirror behaves now: https://photos.app.goo.gl/A8pheDsueawYLGSZA

Edit: Company got back to me a few hours later and mentioned that someone else had an issue while powering their dashcam from the mirror power supply. Also, I’m going to double check for cable bends that might be too tight bc it’s an optical cable.

Update: The Dongar dashcam mirror adapter was the issue. My hunch is that when the camera gets moved 6ft back, that 10ft or so of additional cable has enough resistance to cause a voltage drop, and after 10 minutes or so it exhausts the capacitors in the mirror circuit board.

That creates an under voltage scenario that causes the mirror display to go haywire. Hope this helps someone else who might encounter this.

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