Tangerine Dream vs Stone

While we’re big fans of the tangerine dream, I think the actually breakdown might surprise people. Here are the numbers for campers and RTTs in the wild…


  • :tangerine:: 38%

  • :rock:: 62%


  • :tangerine:: 35%

  • :rock:: 65%

I myself dig waking up to the nice orange glow in the morning, but I do appreciate the subtlety of Stone Grey tents.

Sometimes I wonder if Packers fans all own the correct color because ya know… cheese wedges. :man_shrugging:t2:


I ordered Stone. Waiting until July as patiently as possible. Subtlety was the main reason, although I do like the light in brightly colored tents. I don’t think you can go wrong either way!


Awesome to see some of the exact numbers out in the wild!

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I would have guessed the inverse, thanks for the numbers. I’m one of the tangerine minority out there.


:cheese: Go Pack Go


This exact thought crossed my mind this weekend while staring at my green truck and giant cheese wedge lol

Thanks for sharing that data! Interesting to but not super surprised. I think most people that are on the fence are going to lean towards the more neutral Stone Grey. I definitely had a “F*!K IT!!” moment before I pulled the trigger on Tangerine lol


Now I wish GFC offered black out material in black…one thing I miss about my CVT Mt hood was how much I could black it out in there.

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What ah… what were you doin up in there, amígo?

I promise not to get too loud with my morning French press routine when we get out there for some spring camping. Typically there’s a tai chi session along with some Pantera too, but I’ll do my best to let ya sleep in.

But seriously, has anyone made a blackout interior for their build?

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I bet you could rig up something pretty easy by modifying some blackout curtains and hanging them from the T-track inside the tent. The roof would need some vinyl and *voila!* instant mobile Dracula camper. :wink:

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Trying to sleep in bro :joy:


gotta get that beauty rest! :slightly_smiling_face: