Tear in my V2

Has this happened to anyone? My camper was installed in July 2023. We’ve used it maybe a dozen times. Also the locks are PITA to get locked.

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I realize this doesn’t answer your direct question, but have you reached out to GFC support about this? It seems that it should be just barely within the 2 year (from date of purchase) warranty.

When I contacted support, they were explaining a way for me to fix it myself. I’d rather not try to fix it myself since it is within the warranty period still. I did submit a warranty request about 2 weeks ago, but I’ve heard nothing back from GFC.

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Any update? My 2023 just tore in the exact same way. Support just wants to send me a patch and call it a day.

I was informed that they can send some materials to repair it myself, or I can go to one of the partner shops to have it repaired, or if I were to go to the headquarters in Belgrade, they will replace the entire tent under warranty. I opted to go to Belgrade and have the tent replaced.

Ok good to hear. I’m going to try the patch and go from there. Update the thread when you get it replaced if you don’t mind :call_me_hand:t2:

I will I scheduled it for March. Had to plan ahead for a trip out to Montana. I’m planning on doing the latch upgrade, headliner, and light kit while I’m out there.