Tent Lock when camper is up in parking lot

Wondering if anyone has any idea’s on how to lock the tent zipper’s when the tent is up on the GFC?

Use case is: In the parking lot before going out skiing, love to pop up the tent, put boot’s on and then go ski/come back any time to the tent already up. But, if I leave the tent up, someone can go to the tire, zip up, and get into the bed even if the sides are lock… I broken in my self recently.

See how people are locking their tent’s when they are in the parking lot and maybe out for the day, but want come back to the tent up?

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The most simple solution would be to just get small pad locks (I think master lock makes a model small enough) for the lock to go through the hole on the zipper itself (not just the pull). If you can’t find one I would then search for luggage combination locks. You don’t need anything super beefy just to deter, and show that you care.

If people want to break in they will find a way. Anything security wise is just to show you care and deter the opportunistic criminal. Nothing will ever deter the determined criminal.

the old middle school summer camp trick… zip ties! :wink:

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Don’t bring anything you can’t afford to lose… I’d much rather have someone come through the windows than pay to fix a cut tent. If you have smaller items you can’t afford to lose a bolted down job box is about as secure as you are going to get.

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I wouldn’t worry about it too much. It’s like locking a soft top jeep… if somebody wants in bad enough they can just cut a whole in your tent. I’d almost think it would be better not to lock it

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Just posted in another thread. Tap small hole and order hitch pin lock on amazon. done.