The Dirt Therapy Project is non profit organization founded by a veteran Marine, Jonathan Hagerman, to help other vets get in the outdoors and on bikes. In my opinion, this does more for mental health than anything the VA can prescribe. I don’t work for TDTP, nor am affiliated with them other than being supportive of their cause. They have set up chapters around the country to build a community, and hopefully one day will have a chapter in Montana.
Currently they are trying to fundraise for a custom MTB trike for a double amputee combat vet. I know there are a lot of MTB’er/Cyclists in this community, myself included, and we all know the cost of our normal bikes, but not a lot of people know how much adaptive bikes are. Their goal is $25,000. You read that correctly, these adaptive bikes are not cheap.
For the month of June, I will be donating 20% of all sales from my shop 3DProto Lab or here Etsy . If you’re interested in The Dirt Therapy Project you can read more about it here TDTP. Regardless of if you order anything from me or not, check TDTP out!