The new ladder!

@gfc you all are killing it right now!!!

The new ladder kit looks slick!!! I want one!

Keep up the good workšŸ¤˜šŸ¼

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Did it sellout already or is it just not for sale yet?

Nice. I have a V1 ladder when will these be available to retro fit to my ladder? I like that it moves it our a bit from the top. I have a Ram 2500 and the ladder has to be at quite an angle not to hit the side of the truck. Thanks

He mentions in the video it works with the V1 ladder too :+1:

I saw it when i was waiting for my install


I really need thisā€¦really really need lol.

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This is going to cost meā€¦ I need.

Can we retrofit our old ladder with hardware from them?

Just ordered. Iā€™m super psyched, was looking at various options, like the CVT thing. I was able to take one trip with my new (to me) V2 RTT prior to an ACL surgery. My son and I just boosted up from the tailgate. I should be off crutches by the time it arrives and will break it in as part of rehab.

You bet, check out the video. You can buy it for your V1 ladder or as a whole kit.


Hey @Stokely were you actually able to order the v2 ladder? Itā€™s been sold out every time I look. I asked GFC in an email a couple weeks ago when I saw it on the site and they said keep a lookout for sometime in September.

I was told to watch for it in 2 weeks. this was yesterday.

Yep, I got an email from GFC yesterday evening with a link to order prior to the upcoming general release.

I should clarify. The offer was extended to people who have purchased the V2 RTT.

I wonder if these will work with the CVT ladder or others. After watching that video what concerns me about the claw is the ladder popping out of the grooves in the mounting hardware. The ladder just rests in the grooves of the mounting hardware with nothing securing it in place. With my CVT ladder the ladder does move around when climbing down more than climbing up. Wonder how will perform on unlevel ground.

Good point. Iā€™d be surprised if they didnā€™t consider that. Curious what @GFC has to say.

The ladder and mounts are awesome! Unfortunately, was only sent 3 t-nuts, not 4. Emailed @GFC about a week ago but havenā€™t heard back. Still works but going easy on it until I get the other t-nut.
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@justinp00 I sent you an email last week and have tried calling you two different times. Please follow up with us where we can confirm your shipping address and make sure you are taken care of.

We got our ladder with mantis claws on Friday. It is perfect. We love it.

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Got the ladder about a week ago. Coming off of my third ACL surgery and six weeks of crutches/bed rest. Was able to install today and climb in. My kiddos love it. My oldest was there too but got sick of all the ā€œgear talkā€ā€¦ Super easy mechanism and install.