Poll - Does your tent leak?

Does your tent leak when closed?

  • Leaks like a sieve
  • Dry as a bone
  • Don’t Know yet
  • I have V1 and this doesn’t apply to me

0 voters

I’m curious what percentage we are dealing with. Personally mine is dry but it feels like a few outnumber the many. so let’s see and finally put this to rest… maybe



I’m gonna give it a couple of weeks before I can honestly answer this.
And would encourage others that have a new setup to give it a few weeks…

This is a solid idea/ post @blackhearse


one year with mine and not a single leak


I live in Phoenix. Will update when monsoon seasons comes haha.

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Leaks in the tent area or in the bed? My tent is dry (which is all that matters to me), but lots of leaks in the bed area.


No leaks that I have seen yet. Like @jedgar said, my battle is attempting to seal the damn tacoma bed lol.


Man…ever changing. I dont get why Toyota designed it this way.

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I meant the GFC leaking but not in the tent area. My bed is sealed but water makes it in through the panel seals


Doubling down with @jedgar … tent, fabric, etc. works like a charm. No visible openings at corners as I’ve seen other post about. Water in the truck bed, yep. But compared to what my ARE let in I’d say I have about 75% less water than what that thing let in :grin:


I have a V1 and when we recently had the most rain in years with high winds, my mattress was wet a couple feet in from the side for about 4 feet in the back when opened it up.


Wish there was a sometimes option in the poll. The edge of the passenger side cushions get a little wet, about 1" in at most when the Wind blows hard from the West hitting the passenger side. There was one time the front passenger corner was pretty wet, but I think it was because the snow melted at the front, but because the passenger side doesn’t get much sun this time of year, the drain channel was iced up.

I park the truck with the front facing South, so the solar panel keeps the batteries topped up. The rear of the truck is slightly downhill. The red arrows in this screenshot show how much each corner would have to come up to be level.

A cabron can’t go to work without stuff blowing up

from original post. so ya no yours doesn’t leak

@hunneyd I would call that a leaking tent

Even my awesome Ranger gets water in the bed from all 4 corners so it’s not just the TuRDs

It’s very interesting what the votes are so far. 1/3 of the campers leak. that is fucked up-sorry but it’s true and no other way to describe it. The new guys please give a while to see. and if any of you didn’t know, you can change your vote by going to the original post, clicking “show vote” then “remove vote” then recast your vote

I think you’re missing a lot of responses without a “leaks a little bit” option. Sometimes I’ll find just the corners of my tent wet after a storm.


it’s simple- it leaks or it don’t. there isn’t any middle ground. plain black and white question. does your tent leak when it’s closed? it has? well it does then

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Wow. You’re the first V1 I’ve seen say their tent leaks. Frightening for a fellow V1 owner. I was hopeful that I didn’t need to worry about this. I keep my truck in the garage so mine is sort of untested. I have not noticed any water inside mine when drivingin the rain or snow. I’ll have to pay better attention going forward.


I have never wanted to be a person whom I’ve never met (or even another person at all) but I’m about to press the submit order button and I find myself wanting to be you.

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A.R.E hasn’t made a dry shell in 20 years. If [assuming I buy] the GFC leaks even 10% as much as the A.R.E along the bed I’ll be happy.


Had a snugtop before, never had any issue with water leak from raining. I’m also experiencing water intrusion with the GFC.

I voted no… but really it’s “no, not that I’m aware of”.

We’ve had plenty of rain this winter, and I’ve been checking and it has remained dry, but until GFC identifies a cause I have no idea if mine simply isn’t affected or if I’m just lucky because I back into my driveway and the truck is parked heavily nose down.

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There have been 581 active users in the last 7 days and only 64 votes…at the risk of sounding like 1 of those people… please vote. even if if you haven’t had your camper long enough to know, that’s an “I don’t know” vote. We need a larger slice of the community to get real idea of how many people are affected