Trade Reservations?

Hi everyone. I am currently build #652 start July 2020 and #810 start Dec 2020. Willing to trade. If your curious, I will be selling one of these spots at some point.

I am throwing out a prayer to trade reservations spots if your spot can be completed by Dec 2019. Have your plans changed? Vacation fall threw? Funds tied up?

Do I have not have the patience to wait for my build you may wonder. Well, I recently discovered GFC from an Overland style get together in Missoula Mt and quickly put my name down. My wife and I will have our first child here soon, and can’t think of a better way to celebrate and utilize maturity leave than going on the longest road trip for our lives starting in mid Dec. We are planning to be on the road for a month on a National Park tour and anything in between. Hoping to hit the warmer parks south of us in UT, AZ, and CA.

Throwing out this prayer in case this trade would benefit someone else as much as it would me. Really not looking forward to building a separate pre GFC setup (tent, cot, heating solution, etc) for this trip, but in the end whatever it takes.

I know it’s a bit off-topic of trading spots, but what vehicle are you planning on putting the GFC on?

You may be able to pick up a used GFC easier than trading spots with someone, so it may be worth considering.

Good point. I will have to start searching. Maybe being close to GFC in Missoula will help. Need one for 18’ Tacoma DCLB

Hey Derek, I’m hoping to find an early spot so might be interested should you decide to sell one of yours. thnx

What color are you looking for?

Black topper with grey frame will be my ideal choice to go with Cement.

Oh I have a white panel grey bar 3rd gen long bed GFC coming this November.

Did you have two reservations as well? You just got rid of one right? I suppose your not looking to get rid of this one cause if you are I wonder if the specs can still be changed.

I had in the past, the only the one I have now is the one that just went into production. It’s a white/grey for my white DCLB.

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