Upcoming Reidsville, NC Installs

Hey everyone!

I just recently put in an order for a V2 Pro for my Gen 1 Raptor with an initial “no later than shipping date” of Oct 31st, 2024. I’m super pumped! This’ll be my second GFC, and I just wanted to see who else in the area was going to be getting a Reidsville install soon

Selling a V1 camper in order to install a new Topper there in November.

If you know anyone in the area who is in the market for a 5’ bed Tacoma V1, let them know!

Getting mine installed in August

Nice!! Joe, how long ago did you put your order in?

Ordered in April

Mine shipped from Montana last week. Waiting for that call to schedule an install. Should be any day now!

That’s gonna be fun! Do you guys have any good spots to visit out here in the VA, WV, NC, TN area?

I am all set for my install in Reidsville around March 1st. Installing on my 2024 Colorado Bison. Anyone else making this trek? I actually have a cool place to camp near Mt Mitchell if we want to have a group camp shakedown meetup after the installs.