V1 Busted Hinges

Has anyone else here had an issue with their panel hinges failing/breaking?

Anyone try and fix it themselves with the kit?

Thank you

Take pictures and contact GFC service they have a fix kit for it. My rear panel fell apart attemting to open after the channel filled with dust, regardless still love my V1!

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That’s unfortunate to hear! I love mine as well. Did they replace it for you and was it under their warranty? I did contact them and sent photos. They been really good communicating back.

Appreciate your info.

They sent a kit to fix yourself along with a instruction video, or one of there sevice shops can install it. Do you have the embassy hinges? They did a huge switch about 3 yeras ago…


I called the “local shop” that’s 5.5 hours away and they quoted me about $1000 to do all 3 panels. That’s who GFC goes through. I would rather do it myself at that point. After doing enough research i realized it was a common issue and they fixed it with the embassy hinges.

I think they’re about $600 on their website. How have those hinges treated you so far ?

I currently have the original hinges that look like plastic piano hinges. Unfortunately the back panel fell off when opening it

The embassy hinges are a big improvent from the first version, however they will fill up with dust in the groove, with that said I learned the hardway to clear the dust out with air prior to opening if there filled.

GFC did have a hinge rplacment program sevreal years ago, which was no cost to me, however my build is #798 and orignal owner.

Thank you for all the info! I have been seeing online on different threads exactly all you mentioned.

I contacted GFC and they definitely took care of me by sending me replacement hinges. Those embassy ones you mentioned. Great company!

I’m going to attempt to install myself. Did you also install yourself ?

I did not install myself. GFC had a replacement tour for the better part of a year so I created a trip out of it.

Gotcha. Thank you for all the help!