V2 Camper Interior Brace Diameter Size?

I am picking up my camper in 2 weeks and I am wanting to mount a fire extinguisher to the interior brace piece which runs diagonally from top to bottom near the side panel opening.

Does anybody know the size of the diameter size of that piece?

I am looking at HR3 Roll Bar Mount for fire extinguishers and it comes in two (2) sizes:
1 3/4 inches

and the other size is:
1 5/8"



It’s all 1-1/4"

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Thank you, I will be picking my GFC up next Monday.

I just picked mine up yesterday and was wondering about the same fire extinguisher attachment when I saw your post. I may go with these guys instead…




These guys make a pretty slick setup too

That’s pretty sleek. Are you using that product?

I have one of the extinguishers just under my front seat not mounted to anything.

I have one of the extinguishers like jedgar in a door pocket of my Tacoma.

I just purchased Axia Alloys max tracks brackets.

Since my original post I found out about these Element Fire Extinguishers and I am going that route. Super cool product. I got one for below the driver seat and then will add that roll bar mount. i

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