When I still owned a GFC, that’s what I did. It’s also cheaper. Probs about $70 all in on supplies and then you just need a warmer afternoon and an extra hand. Also, all one piece for the whole roof.
Flip side of that - those of us with V2s who ordered the upgrade kit should probably get our headliners first, since we ordered before you (early August). Pretty simple logic to fulfill orders in the order they come in, hence those of us who have been waiting forever getting ours first.
With that being said, I got a shipping notification for my headliner yesterday and it’ll be here tomorrow. Stoked to finally get it. Now I’m just waiting on the v2 pro tent upgrade and my v2 pro upgrade order is complete. Hopefully we’ll hear something from GFC about the tent upgrades soon. Support has been great again the past few months, answering questions and such.
That’s what I’m saying, it should be based on when it was ordered. They’re using an order date of January rather than September, when I actually ordered my camper.
Someone who ordered either way in August should get theirs before a Sept order.
Has anyone actually received their headliner kits? Waiting to see the installed results.
I agree. I just had my camper installed Saturday that I ordered in August and they confirmed I would be added to the bottom of the list for fulfillment.
I ordered my V2 Pro in August and it was installed in January 2025. Mine came with Turbo Nap, bedding catch, and lighting kit but no headliner or drip rails. The Accessories Leaderboard shows that there are maybe 700 people in front of me for headliner kits and a couple dozen for drip rails. They’re also running behind on small accessories like T-nuts and track studs that I’ve ordered. My experience has been that phone calls work better than emails. I don’t have any suggestions except Patience, Politeness, Persistence.
Sounds like they need to staff up, maybe some gov workers could use a job lol
I think it goes well beyond just needing to increase staff. The headliner issue is just one symptom of a much larger issue. But yes, they definitely need to beef up their support staff because they’re drowning — which is not a good sign.
I received mine yesterday. Actually thinking of reselling/not installing because I installed some additional accessories since I ordered it will conflict with (lights/overhead storage). This thread has an install picture now though
SF Bay Area, but kept all the packing with intention of being able to ship
This will probably get lost in the weeds but is there anybody else with a V1 here that put a deposit down for a v2Pro Upgrade? Have you guys heard anything about that?
I am on the same boat. I ordered my camper April of 2024 and didnt know I was not getting my headliner until the day of the install and have been getting run around answers since. I am not sure how others got theirs as i had to be one of the first in line since I upgraded the day of v2 pro release. I also have ordered awning mounts that has been two weeks and has not shipped more excuses for that but says its in stock still.
One of the many times it has rained for tribute. If anyone has ideas thinking the pro has fixed the moisture issues think again.
How buttoned up were you?
I had one the front triangle vents open with a usb fan and the permanent vents in the back everything else zipped. I also usually leave a slit open at the top of the main large panel but idr right now if it was during this time.
Well to fill you all in. GFC just confirmed they are screwing me over.
I ordered in April and paid for my camper. Then upgraded and paid for the pro including headliner in June. Got it installed in august and was told in person then oo yea no liner we don’t have them. We will mail it to you without even being given a heads up.
Now I am being told “Honestly not sure what happened there—orders for missing headliners are usually placed at the time of installation, but I see yours wasn’t put in until October despite your installation being in August. Sorry for the disconnect, that was before my time here, and I’m not sure how or why that happened.”
also if anyone needs drip rails I can sell you mine at cost. I have them new still.
FWIW, the leaderboard does seem to be moving now and seeing what looks like ~10-20 shipped daily for the headliners…
How can you tell shipment quantities from the leader board? All I see is a giant list that indicates shipped and unfulfilled.