V2 Pro Latches Not Working

One of the latches on the rear panel doesn’t open when unlocked, when you push the button to open it, nothing really happens. You have you push the button then kinda pry it open with your hand. Got my camper installed a few weeks ago and this has been happening since I got it. Theres no visible debris or anything blocking the latches from locking. I tried adjusting the tension on the bolt from the inside and that didn’t work either.

Anyone else experience this with the V2 Pro latches?

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I had the same issue, I tighten the bolt on the back a little. Some other things that helped was not pushing on the button so hard when I open it, you could open your tailgate slightly and the pressure will help open it or you can pull slightly on the corner of the door when you push the button.

Happened to me after installing latch covers. Consensus in multiple threads was that over tightening the bolt would cause that. Backed the bolt off slightly and it fixed it.

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I purchased the new latches for my V1 and have the same issue. I can’t put any pressure on the bolt without the latch binding up.

Me three. Meaning, three out of four of my V2 latches fail to open when I push the button. PITA

Same here. is it the rear right? I did get it working better using a little graphite powder. I was curious about eh orientation of the latch compared to the other side. All four of my side latches haven’t had any issues.

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V2 pro owner and also having issues with the rear door latches.

yeah it’s the rear panel only that I have issues with. the side panels work fine. Still haven’t been able to fix them on the rear panel, waiting to hear back from GFC cs.

Unfortunately that didn’t work for me. Hoping to hear another solution from GFC customer support.

Yep same issue over here with my V2PRO. I’ll look into loosening or tightening today and see if that works to rectify it.

Let me know if that works for you. I haven’t gotten a response from GFC Support in ~2 weeks, so not sure what to do.