V2 spot for sale: #2183 Ready to set options and pay

Just got the email. They are ready to set options, receive payment, and schedule install.

I paid an extra 500 to move up myself, so I need to at least break even.


I’m interested. Currently I’m build #2359 and I’d love to get going sooner rather than later. How will this work from GFC’s end? Will Venmo work for you?


J.R. Jenkins

I am interested in buying your spot, what are you asking in Price?

Hey, I just sent you a DM

I sent you a DM as well

Is this still available?

Sorry, its been sold already :frowning:

HI, there:
Just got the email. They are ready to set options, receive payment, and schedule install.

I paid an extra 400 to move up myself, so I need to at least break even.

Hey TBean, you are selling a spot as well? what is your install date?

yes, I am, I believe it will be roughly 6-8 week from now. I will double check with GFC.