Water proofing

Just got my GFC yesterday loving it after taking it out right away, but I did notice some light coming through some spots and was wondering what any of y’all have done to waterproof these spots. I did a good bit of water proofing before installation but wasn’t aware of these spots.

Congrats on ownership! Looks like you’ve got some seals in the right spots from photos. On the bottom photo the lock is in the open (down position) position. If you slide it up, re-lock the latches, etc. does the gap/light close up?

Good news, I’m just dumb it did help with the line. Now I just have the bottom portion to waterproof.

haha all good. if a Tacoma, I also have one, that little gap is just there. I put a strip of tailgate seal there and it helps quite a bit.

I gotchu!


I used a moldable silicone putty stuff called sugru https://www.amazon.com/Sugru-I000941-Moldable-Multi-Purpose-Creative/dp/B089WHGQDP/ref=mp_s_a_1_2_maf_2?adgrpid=55691315963&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Ztu40WzpvsLaO-_pFGNpryQYO0fj422mfGAQgFoMsu_CiD6rOF3I4P5ugtD35PNmUdsAAn2chLb-fSQ8YOvl68qQOKWIDhx8vR2ab6wtrr9B7SHj4bKezJsmWzf1IwRwVtQLVOlmOih0UOSKQu8saUi05qLmutJiZz4DDAzANDUbZt1kfnetsaIIJ7iAsO0E1nVpCW5pOujSsQfriKfCrw.Cw2FiNvv1cBD2_nbflcYb-zMtvicdEbB0C6uLBfeVik&dib_tag=se&hvadid=274840280286&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9029924&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=3536004432451527949&hvtargid=kwd-296878197589&keywords=sugru%2Bmoldable%2Bglue&qid=1708846392&sr=8-2&th=1&psc=1