What is the best Tacoma Bed mat for my GFC Camper?

Would love to know what everyone has installed in the bed of their Tacoma for walking/camping on. Currently I have nothing but the hard bed. I was looking at the OEM one from Toyota but wanted to see if there are better options before pulling the trigger. Thanks in advance!

I have the same question. Getting a GFC installed in Jan and am torn between a rubber mat, a bed rug carpet, and a bed rug liner (covers sidewalls).

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i was thinking of the rubber square mats for a cheap solution until i figure out what my build will be.


I have the bed rug impact which has some foam built in. Been impressed and it is a nice surface for your knees/feet/toddler crashes.


I run a Toyota one (I also haul other crap and I like the non slip)… then I got a random 3x2 floor mat that I have in there for when I am hanging out in my socks :slight_smile:

I have a bedrug XLT in my Tacoma. I’ve been pretty happy with it. In the main bed the foam side of the rug is cut to fit the grooves perfectly and you can comfortably walk on your knees. On the tailgate it’s much thinner foam (and I assume the sides are like this as well if you get the full bedrug) and just lies across the grooves. This helps make it a more level surface for setting drinks down and stuff but you can still feel the grooves some when sitting on it. It also helps keep dust down by covering the gap between the bed and the tailgate.

Cleans up pretty good too. Some gasoline leaked on the bedrug while I was at Death Valley and it was pretty easy to just pull the whole rug out and clean it at a self-serve car wash. No lingering odor.

Sometimes I wish I had the one that goes up the sides because it would be nicer to lean on.


I have the rubber Tacoma OEM bed mat which is great. I also have carpet with padding that is cut to cover the bed and I put this in occasionally when I’m looking to do more camping in the actual bed of the truck. Especially when there is colder weather it makes for a nice place to stand when barefoot.

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Ill add to the OEM bed mat, its been a great mat for the cost. I have my compressor in the bed cubby so when it gets real dirty i just use my air lines to blow it all out, opening up all the panels so it can get blasted well.
Im considering the goosegear base plate so i have a place to start building out my interior, but im loving the simplicity of a truck bed and pulling my camp stuff out and still having a truck bed for work.
The other bonus of the OEM mat is that it is waterproof and holds cargo in place well without straps. You cant go general lee in it, but its good enough for spirited driving around town and not dumping your market run all over the bed. Also, if you get water intrusion it flows under the mat and keeps your stuff dry on top.


I have the Black Armour bed mat and it has been great, it’s definitely heavy but never moves around in the back.

Thanks for the pics as well as the features and benefits on this mat. It’s really nice. Is this on Amazon for around $210? Seems like it is a little higher in price than the OEM but gives a carpet feeling and has a flat surface for work. Does it require Velcro or any other elements to keep in place or does simple friction seem to work well enough?

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I am pleased with the OEM mat. Much easier on the knees, easy to clean and great non-skid. I first ordered a cheaper version on Amazon and it was a multi piece mat with a seam in the middle of the bed…sent that back and went with the OEM version. Picked it up at the Toyota dealer in Bozeman when I had the GFC installed…and it is a great plus that MT doesn’t have sales tax.

Yeah that price is the right product I think. It’s hard for me to find the specific one on Amazon. I got it from carid because they are one of the listed dealers on the website: Online Bedrug Retailers | Bedrug

It does have a few velcro strips that you put down during first install. I think there are two you put down in the bed and a few smaller ones that you put on the bottom of the tailgate to keep the foam tight against the bottom. On the top of the tailgate the bedrug has holes to put it under the Tacoma tailgate cap and screw it down. It also comes with some plastic spacers to use under the tailgate cap but I ended up getting rid of those because it fit better/tighter without them.

I think the velcro is mainly to hold it down if you leave the bed open. It’s a lot lighter than the OEM style rubber mats. I only had a tonneau cover when I installed the bedrug so I used all the velcro.

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I have the Bedrug XLT and I had a hard time justifying the purchase at first, but I wouldn’t go back to the OEM one. It’s really comfortable and it doesn’t scratch the items that you put in the bed. It’s like a big trunk now. The mat on the tailgate is thin, so I’ve added a piece of foam underneath it. Well worth the money!

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Thanks for all the replies! Definitely a huge help!

OEM. Can’t beat the price for the functionality. Stays in place, perfect fir, easy on the knees, easy to clean, won’t get moldy or absorb gas or other spills.

I had leftover exercise mat “puzzle piece” foam from my garage gym build, so I just cut that up to the shape of the exposed bed. Works great, plenty soft to walk barefoot or crawl around on the knees.

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I went with ¾" oak. I used a garage floor based epoxy. I used wood as a base plate with my existing bed bolts so I could anchor everything down. I didn’t want to drill holes in my bed for my sliders and battery setup. Now with any moisture from the GFC, the water drip downs beneath the base plate along those little grooves in the bed.

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Another vote for the bedrug here. I have the one that just covers the bottom of the bed and the tailgate. I’ve had three other full Bedrugs (sides included) on other trucks and loved them too. I prefer this one in my Taco as I have Molle panels on the sides with my Hi-Lift, shovel, axe, propane bottle, etc mounted to them. The Bedrub is very easy on the knees, quick to vacuum and my Rottweiler loves it. Well worth the $$. Good luck.

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I thought doing this until I had dog food that got suck under my current mat that I didn’t find until the smell was overwhelming from the mold growth… Glad I can get below my mat easily now…

That’s why I used the garage floor epoxy paint and applied a couple coats.