What's your kitchen setup?

Agreed. As i said, its all about personal preference and experience.
Personally, i hate cooking, there are few tasks in life that feel more like a waste of time to me. Im good at it, even at homd i just perfer to cook huge portions all at once and freeze much of it so i dont have to do it often.

Then esoecially when i am out and about and could be doing fun things or soending wuality time I would absolutely hate to waste that time cooking when i could be out exploring or being productive.
For me food is just a nescesary means for me to engage in my next activity.
No joy in food, just calories.

Plus not having kitchen tools/gadgets abd just a cooler saves a ton of space in the truck!

To each their own. My kitchen stays at home and my truck “kitchen” is just my cooler.


because you don’t know how… coming from chef of 25 years


No, it has nothing to do with knowledge or skill.
Its desire/priorities.

Cooking time isnt enjoyable time, id rather be doing something fun or valuable.

That is like telling someone who says “cleaning sucks” that they just dont clean right.

Its personal preference, i truly do not enjoy the activity because i couldnt care less about the outcome.
Food is fuel in my book, nothing more.

Some may enjoy it, that is fine. I dont enjoy it, id rather use my time for more valuable activities.

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life is better in a McDonald’s drive through…


Love cooking, or think cooking sucks, who cares! Either way, everyone still wants to SEE everybody’s kitchen setup. Pictures, guys, pictures! :smiley:

I’ve gotten so many good ideas from this forum, I hope to get many more, especially in the kitchen department.

I am personally really, really excited to see how @Manateeboi 's kitchen build comes out. The idea of drop-down, slide out really appeals to me.


Built it.

You rang!?

Here are some final shots of the build :call_me_hand:
Holler if you have any questions!


Here’s our setup in the first gen tacoma. The 60" drawer was a tight fit in the double cab, but holds all of our kitchen stuff and dry food storage. Prep work on the mountain hatch panel. Fridge stays in on over-nighters, or out if we’re posted up for a bit. We primarily cook on an old lodge cast iron combo cooker either on the stove or fire. Have a fairly detailed guide for the drawer/sleeping platform build here if anyone’s keen to adapt it to their setup.


McGriddles + mcdicks coffee hits diff though am I right?

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It’s all about cooking meals that work for you.

I love cooking but if you dont like it, get some add water meals / freeze dried. If you dont like cooking or add water meals, thats a tough spot. I do know people i used to go back packing with and they would just bring Cliff Bars and water for a 5 day backpacking trip…

Follow your heart.

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Definately not a tough spot. I dont cook when camping or use freeze dried.
I jist batch cook a week+ at a time when at home or elsewhere.
Or i leverage other simple, storable fresh stuff.

Only reason i posted here was to show that you dont “need” a kitchen.
My coller works great and saves caluable space for orhe “vitals” like my SUP, Kayak, bike, running shoes. Etc.

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Hahaha, i dont think if eaten fast food of any kind in 15+ years.
No thanks to that garbage

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then why you worried about a thread for kitchen setups? just stick to your plastic fast food and I’ll enjoy my steak on an open fire


Thought it was good to share other perspectives to give a bit more context to future readers who are potentially deciding how to priorotize their space and do their own build.

Not sorry for trying to be helpful and have a duscussion.
Guess i didnt realize cooking was as toichy a subject as it is and people would get butt hurt that i choose not to.

P.s. as noted previously i dont eat fast food so im not sure why you are throwing shade my way


sorry everybody I just realized I came in this thread with heat and didn’t share my kitchen

I built this just so the propane stove fits under the fridge and the rest is storage with second battery and inverter. I can cook on the tailgate or on top of the “chest”

It was completely built out of pallets rescued from a dumpster. and yes I have a TV. this is my personal “break room” at work


2 types of people in this world: people who enjoy food and have a respect for what they put in their bodies and then there’s the plastic food eaters who think the rest of us waste our time enjoying the sustenance our bodies need.

which do you fall under? shoveling down freeze dried crap ain’t livin’. it’s sad you would pass that skill set on the next generation. stick to your chicken nuggets so the rest of can continue to enjoy our higher standards

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Again, i have no idea why you are attacking me.
Ive said twice now i dont eat fast food or freezedried (unless im backpacking for anything more than 3 days)

Food is fuel, as an athlete i care deeply aboyt the quality of my nutrition. I just dont care at all what it tastes like and would much rather spend my time in other ways i find more valuable than cooking.

I am sorry my choices offend you so deeply, though i do not aporeciate you attacking me meedlessly and witgout meritt or attacking me for the values i choose to pass on to my kids.
That is wholly unnescesary and unneaded. I was jist trying to answer the question “wgat is your kitchen setup”
For me the kitchen stays at home and my truck kitchen is simply a cooler.

There was no need for the personal attacks.

Final note: i never once said i look down on anyone for how they choose to engage with cooking or food. I am very glad you enjoy cooking and all that goes along with it. I just simply dont enjoy it in the same way and choose to soend my time in other ways.
Please, by all means enjoy your steak, thats awesome cause it makes you happy! Just dont attack me for spending my time as i enjoy.

Hope your day gets better!


@blackhearse why are you attacking like this?

It does seem that everyone was simply sharing their experience until you got fixated on one persons desire not to cook and started going for the throat. We all want to get different things out of our camping and lives, this is supposed to be a place we can all share our experiences so others can learn from them.
It seems you are intent on tearing this guy down simply because he doesn’t enjoy cooking as much as you?
That seems a bit silly


sorry it’s a crotchety day and
sorry to you too @farrout33 but you did come on here:

you basically told me I wasted a quarter century of my life cooking like wasting our time on the internet forums