Wind Fairing - Front Runner Outfitters Experience

I found a great use for my Front Squeaky Runner fairing - I just received my Colorado Fairing today, and bolted it to the Front Runner.

Joking aside, the Front Runner was quick and relatively inexpensive off Amazon, and took care of GFC wind-whistling. I used it as-is for the first year I had my GFC. But the sqeaking was really annoying, and the drag was not much less probably, as on my F-150 Lightning, was barely slanted,

The Colorado is much more expensive, as it was custom made to my measurements and has a custom wrap on it, came to about $529. My Colorado Fairing is 12" wide, 55" at the bottom, 59" at the top, with a “reverse smile”, to match the GFC and top of the F-150. Can be ordered in stock sizes a lot cheaper. It is made of Polypropylene if I remember correctly. So it is kind of light. But the Front Runner is made of aluminum, so is relatively heavy. And for and efficiency expert like me {LAZY!}, I liked the idea of not taking off the Front Runner, which is mounted rock-solid.

So what I did, was put the GFC up, get the Colorado where I wanted it, and then with a piece of wood on top of the roof to protect it, I pulled the Front Runner up to the Colorado, and just drilled through the holes on the Colorado, through the Front Runner, and bolted it on. Did the 2 outside holes first, then the inside.

Worked like a charm. The squeaky Front Runner is no longer resting on the roof, and helps weigh down the Colorado. I tested it at 85 mph, and no problems popping up.

For those interested:

On top of the FrontRunner

Original Front Runner


Looks great—did you have to use the T-nut mounting hardware from GFC or could you use the hardware Front Runner provided ?

T-nuts from GFC. Added a washer to create the right spacing but was pretty straight forward. I actually upgraded to a Martin Off-road rack and the wind fairing is just laying around in my garage now. You want it? Just cover shipping and it’s all yours.

That is a very nice offer! Do you mean the Colorado/Frontrunner combo fairing is just laying in your garage right now? Or just the Front Runner? Either way, def interested! Thanks!

Here is my custom solution. @FTR86 how much bump up on the Lightning range did you get with the CO Fairing?


Do you still have the fairing laying around? I’m interested in buying the Colorado custom fairing and bolting it to my front runner like you previously had done.
Please let me know. Thanks!

I didn’t really notice any range bump. But it’s way more awesome!

Same here - GFC Tnuts and a washer or so.

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I now have one that I am not using, I replaced it with a Colorado Custom Fairing option, let me know if you want it, $50 plus shipping, thanks!

Any reports on MPG improvement?

Just a quick update from me. I removed my Yakima bar and fairing I had mounted on the cab just in front of the cab over part of the GFC. I’m not sure it made much of a difference on MPG but I think it helped with wind noise.
Anyway, to replace it, I mounted a front runner outfitters 1345mm/1425mm(W) Fairing mounted to the front of the GFC (kept the lip about 1 inch above the cab/sunroof, so it wasn’t contacting the cab and squeaking). At first, it seemed perfect, but eventually wind at freeway speeds pushed it down so it was contacting the cab. To remedy this, I drilled through the front runner mounting brackets (GFC side) added some bolts that hold the fairing at the angle I want. They just rest on the fairing not letting it get pushed down by wind.
Here’s some pics, I’ll try to get some more of how I setup the bolts that prevent it from moving down.

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You can get some adhesive backed felt strips on Amazon and sandwich that around the rubber strip that will alleviate the squeaking too.

It looks like an OEM may be coming in the near-ish future!


The Rivian specific build got them to focus on range/ drag and they will be including it in the package for the R1T.

Been lots of non EV interest that GFC has been acknowledging, hopefully it happens soon!