Bike mount ideas

So far I like my hitch mount. I can also hang them off the back if needed.


Hitch mount on a swing out is ideal IMO, but I also built a slide out to store 2 bikes inside for those times when I want to hide the bikes from view, or I expect to be driving through crappy weather and want to avoid having all the road crap flinging up on the bikes.


I was thinking about this a little more and I think you could attach something to the extrusion on the side of the tent but the downside would be you can’t open that panel without removing the bike. Also driving tight trails offroad would not be ideal. I have a friend who drives a van and put a hitch on the front to store bikes but I don’t like that either. Personally I think the best option for bikes are on a hitch mount or in the back of the truck.

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I’ve been thinking about this also, and sadly, I’ve come to the same conclusion. I don’t know why I’m opposed to the hitch mount, but I should probably invest in a high quality one and stop thinking about it!

Kwood, what swing out did you go with?

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I got a Rakattach swing arm.

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@glachow did a nice sliding tray in the bed of the truck, I think this is the best way to do it if you don’t want to do a hitch rack. Here’s his setup:


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So I know I am late to this topic and don’t even have my unit yet, but I am wondering aboout a dirtbag solution by just mounting a fork mount directly to the rear extrusion track. Besides the need to remove the bike for rear access, any down side? Anyone done it?

Hi Kwood,

Is this an aftermarket swing away on a one up rack? If so, what is it and where did you get it? my wife and I LOVE our one up but it doesn’t swing away and I was wondering if getting an aftermarket swing away was a thing. Thanks in advance for any info!

Thule makes a swing away adapter for hitch mounted racks.


It’s a Rakattach. One up sells them on their site.

There are a couple other companies that make a swing arm as well but I bought it from 1up at the same time I got the rack so all the locks could be keyed together. It’s pretty sweet.

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Are you able to close your rear window with the bike pad?

Hi Kwood
How easy or default is it to put the bikes in when you use the Telgate pad, are you turning the sideways? I see you have 2 bikes on the pad in your photo, is it possible to put more bikes on the pad like 3 or 4?


I’ve also been messing with a bed mount for my gravel bike using the rago accessory mount for Tacoma bed rail and a Rocky Mountain mount. It’s still in production though. :slight_smile:

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Hitch on my swing arm


I added a Thule Spare Me rack to my truck’s spare tire on my rear bumper swing arm. The rack is only 15lbs, and I like that it locks to the wheel, giving some theft protection for the rack and my spare tire. The rack also has a built in cable lock to secure the bike.

I add the orange tape to keep myself from walking into the rack’s arms, but you can reposition them down so they’re out of the way. I’m just lazy sometimes. I use the 2nd bike slot for the front wheel, so the bike stays out of the way on narrow Jeep trails. Retails for $430, but I got it on discount because someone had returned it. I also like it’s up higher so you don’t lose departure angle. Downside is carrying the bike by its frame, not good for high end bikes, but my bikes are all steel/aluminum frame.

I also have the option to put a bike inside with a fork mount, but it takes up a lot of space inside.

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Here are a few storage solutions. I ended up with three options depending on a few factors. I built a Rockymounts front axle mount that integrates into some L-Track. It can be set into various places around the truck.

Option 1 - Inside the truck on a welded platform.

  • Most secure
  • Keeps the GFC open for more space
  • No dust or road grime on the bikes


  • Have to remove both wheels with two bikes
  • Harder to take in and out.
  • Can’t use when we take the dog.
  • Brings dirt inside the truck

Option 2 - Inside the GFC. We only use this when travelling with the dog. Setup at camp we store the bikes outside.

  • Only need to remove the front wheel
  • Somewhat secure
  • Keeps the truck open for more storage and the dog
  • Keeps the bikes clean and dry


Option 3 - 6-Place North Shore Rack. We use this for shuttles, storing the bikes when at camp and bringing friends along. We also uses this to hold the muddy bikes until a wash, then put them back inside.

  • Holds six bikes
  • Can handle rough roads
  • Don’t have to remove the wheels
  • Keeps the dirty bikes out of the truck
  • Keeps the bikes out of the camper and truck


  • Not too secure
  • Bikes get dusty and dirty
  • Need to swing it to access the GFC. A slight inconvenience.

(Crusier bikes for this trip)