Compiling Measurement Database

Hi All,

I thought that it would be cool for DIYers and makers to put together a database of measurements on different models of campers to have as a database to reference when making stuff.
I know some of this is scattered through other topics but compiling a shared spreadsheet for everyone to access could be helpful.

I put together this one (GFC - Side Panel Measurement Chart - 2024) because I am interested in sewing up some frame bags for other truck models (currently only make 6’ Tacoma ones) but let me know if there is interest in compiling measurement databases on other areas and I can setup tabs for other areas.



Cool idea. I will add mine once I pick it up.

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Good idea.

Main Support Tube Radius: 1.252"

Updated. I’m unsure what measurement K is.

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Awesome! I updated the text for K. “Center of front bottom bolt to edge of inner front weather stripping”.
There is a diagram below the measurements that explains it better.

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Got it. I could’ve sworn that measurement on the Tacoma was ~18" last night so I couldn’t find something close on the Gladiator.

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Yeah, I accidently had J and K swapped but noticed it when I saw your dimensions.
Here is a screenshot of the 5’ Gladiator layout. It should be pretty close if you ever needed a reference to make custom parts that fit that space.


I would love to see measurements for a 3rd gen tacoma if anyone is willing

Great! Thanks for this.

Does anyone know the diameter of the bars on the frame? (I get my camper in December)

Thanks for this!

I can’t deduce the dimensions in red accurately enough. Would you care to help a brother out? I’m basically looking to make a bag for that space. Thank you!

There are a few posts on google about this, this was the first one. You can also cal GFC they seem helpful