Corrosion on tent frame

My V1 is a year old. There is corrosion all over the black powder coated tent “frame.” I wash it frequently but does not seem to make a difference…. Seems like it’s coming from beneath powder coat since there are raised corrosion boils almost like braille everywhere. GFC assures me this is normal? Anyone else experience this/know how to combat it? I was told this was an extremely durable finish.

You have any pics you could share?

How is that normal? A lot of people are starting to report this. Sounds like they don’t want to be responsible. Damn.

And it’s even worse now. Those pics are a couple months old…

Maybe this post will help. Taylor from gfc chimed in a ways down with some advice. Yours is way worse for sure, but does look like staining on the anodizing vs rust under powdercoat.

Ah thanks. Yeah I’ve liaised with Taylor quite a bit… good dude. Unfortunately this ain’t no soap and water job. I’ve tried the scotchbrite thing with some diluted vinegar…. Didn’t do a damned thing. I think this is corrosion that was sealed in beneath whatever coating they used. But if anybody else has any input, or remedies or advice, I’m all ears.

A bummer. Hope someone else can chime in with something more helpful.

One year old V1 #809 owner here having the same issue…it seems to be propagating over all powdercoat including the areas not exposed. Super bummed…

I’ve got a V1 camper - new in 2020 - that’s having the same issues. I talked to GFC and they suggested using isopropyl alcohol or Simple Green to rub it off. The alcohol didn’t work so I’ve just purchased some Simple Green but have yet to try it.

Has anybody had any luck with other solutions? Thanks!

Nothing I’ve tried has mitigated this…I’m V1 late 2020 and this problem has propagated across the entire tent powder coat…pronounced rust bubbles all over…I feel like the company isn’t taking responsibility with this obvious production flaw…very disappointing…

I put in a last ditch service order, but I’m currently not getting any response back from the production manager…

Wow, your corrosion is really bad. Sorry!

Mine isn’t that bad yet but unless there’s something that can be done to stop the corrosion I’m afraid that I’m headed in the same direction.

I’m going to contact GFC again and see if I can get any traction on a solution. I will let you know what I hear.

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I sent an inquiry to GFC Service and Warranty department regarding the corrosion and here’s part of their reply:

“Looking at your pictures it does look as there is some surface corrosion. This should not affect the integrity of the aluminum panels but we understand that it isn’t pleasant to look at. This issue can come from road salt, acid rain, and even the prewash at the carwash. Unfortunately once it gets to this point the best way to resolve the problem is to sandblast and repaint the affected pieces. This being a V1 version of the camper we no longer have the capability to remake this style of side extrusions. We suggest removing the affected panels and having a local shop sandblast and repaint.”

Their response is disappointing . . . I don’t know exactly what has to be done to “remove the affected panels” but it sounds like a rather involved process and one that an owner of a quality product shouldn’t have to undertake.

Have any of you gotten responses from GFC?

Just spit-balling here. Have you tried every different type of surface cleaner that you can think of? Maybe a dilute vinegar solution may help. Or maybe spray on wax to help protect the surface from further corrosion. This may not be acceptable to everyone, but embracing the patina is an option as GFC says the corrosion doesn’t affect the integrity of the metal. Have you asked GFC if they would be willing to remove the extrusion panels for you to remedy this situation? I would be willing to pay GFC for this service if it was my V1, but that’s my opinion. It seems to me that GFC wouldn’t want lots of GFCs running around in public with corrosion on the camper. Even though they have the V2, the average potential future buyer has no idea about that.
It is true that alkaline carwash prewash can cause corrosion. Just another reason not to take our GFCs thru the carwash. If you use carwashes, I’d suggest hand washes from here on out.
Anyway, if it were me, I’d be working with GFC to have a qualified technician remedy this situation in compliance with GFC standards. Maybe your panels could be removed by one of the installers if they are closer. Not sure if they would be qualified for this or not. I’d be afraid that the extrusion would leak if reinstalled improperly. Or there would be a myriad of other potential problems for an inexperienced person…

Good luck with this. I hope you get this resolved.


Very good observations, thank you!

My GFC has never been through a car wash so that’s not the issue. Nonetheless the corrosion is occurring. Perhaps the road salt for which Utah is famous.

Your suggestion to try to work through GFC makes sense as I’m reluctant to dismantle the camper on my own. I will continue to pursue a solution and will keep the Forum updated as I proceed.


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So I’ve had a dialogue with the team at GFC and they gave me the options of bringing it in to be disassembled , sand blasted and re-coated at a reasonable price all things considered…they said it would take up to a month to finish… gives me an excuse to take a trip back to Montana and also do the V2 pro tent etc upgrades…still cheaper than buying a new V2 pro…I’m hesitant to do this myself or bring it to anyone but a certified GFC tech…

really not happy about it, but I guess this is the downside of a 1st generation launch product? I was hoping for some sort of warranty coverage to lessen the blow…oh well

Ugh, sorry to hear that

Since it is only a visual issue I’d personally be tempted to mask it off and just hit it with some Steel-it or other decent paint. Would look decent and be cheap and easy.