Deep dive on improved mattress options

Read my post that started this thread. 2" atop the existing 2" mattress. But I found the existing mattress as a problem and building atop it was flawed. So I replaced it and did my own 4" of foam. That’s the max.

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I’m thinking about that c33 3.5" to replace the original foam. how does it compare with the v44?

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My Hest Faomies are 4" plus a bit for sheet and a thin blanket and closing hasn’t been an issue, although it is pretty snug. I haven’t had any issues with sealing, or dust/water intrusion.

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In the small sample the ild33 seems a bit softer then 44. Through talking with the foam company they said anytging less then 44 at 3 inches you will bottom out if side sleeping.

Just got the super soft foam and it is a HUGE difference.
My lomg term plan if needed is to get an inch of the 34 and seoerate my two stock layers and do a 3 lauer pad with softest on top, fimest on bottom.
Hopefully dispersing the weight over a wider area with each soft layer … concept at least.
So far im not sure its nescesary


that 3 layer taco dip idea might be the winner since @HEST aint moving too quick. its only $318 shipped

$841 to wrap the mattress in down :thinking:

The problem with adding more foam is allowing the air to escape. You cant add too much to the stock mattress or on top because the air doesn’t allow compression. The 4 in Hest works because air escapes (large covers) and the foam its self is softer than stock.

If you make your own covers to allow for more foam + escaping of air, then I think you can still get away with 4 inches like in the Hest.

The other thing with the stock covers and adding more foam is that it compresses it around the edges which makes for an unpleasant sleeping experience at night.

Tdlr: you need bigger covers before you add more foam.


I added a 1" foam topper that I had laying around to the stock mattress. I feel like its overall too soft, the floor is whats making it feel hard. But then again, i’m a Cajun that loves Cajun food, so thats the main problem :joy:


Looks like GFC is listening and will drop an update soon. Saw this on the FB group.


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They had one at the get together and it felt pretty darn nice!

It’s super nice but rumor has it costing 600-1000$ to upgrade.


I mean, technically you’re paying a premium for the “Turbo” vs non-turbo napping lololol. Gotta love GFC’s product naming.

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To their credit, everything seems cheap to most folks, until they try and do it. Foam is hundreds of dollars and sewing all those covers in the US aint too cheap. Price comes down with scale, sure, but if you tried to produce these cushions (I’ve done these and others), the price ends up being not terribly far from what they’re charging. Cheaper, sure. But that’s the premium you pay for not doing it yourself.


Also, you have to consider the level of service you get post-purchase. With GFC, it seems to be top-notch for anyone who has had any issue.

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I’m super interested in the GFC option. Like what has been said, the way that they support their products is seriously impressive. If their factory option drastically improves comfort I will really want it.

Eeesh… I guess ill stick to my original plan. I should have the 3" foam topper in Saturday. It’ll need a couple of days to expand then ill report if its an improvement or not and post the link to it

Well shit.
I just spent $150 on a new custom foam layer. If i had known this was coming i would have held off.

I’d love a factory option. Only hope it works with the custom flannel covers my mom and I made for the cushions, lol.

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How does it compare to the HEST?


For the 3-5 minutes that I laid on it, it’s certainly very comfortable or a big step up from old 2inch stuff. You could probably source the foam for cheaper…it’s the covers though that would be difficult to come by. I think they will releasing pricing tomorrow but employees were saying it was going to cost less than $1000…so imma guess somewhere in the $500-1000 range.

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