I spotted a gfc setting up at Killington when I was getting ready leave, but I felt creepy about taking a picture lol, I should have just said hi and now I am dying to know who it was…
Is it worth it to get a wind fairing. If so what did ya use? Thanks
DAAAAAMNNNNN that’s tight!
Here are a few screen snags of my SolidWorks model of the wind fairing assembly. If I were to re-design, I would add a link to prevent the hinge from dropping the front edge to touching the cab roof. My interim fix has been a few layers of electrical tape to protect my roof’s paint.
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I betcha we 100% passed ya on the way down then. We were some of the first folks up at goat lake that day. @SLCRex
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is that your boat? I’m curious what motor
With @redbeardsenshi at Overland Expo Mtn West Saturday. I did not camp there…my red Taco was in the day pass area.
It was GREAT to see all the GFCs in and around the Expo!
California plates heading east on I70 in Colorado just past Eagle. First time I’ve seen the side panel vent in person on a short bed taco, looks great!