Installed the GFC headliner in my V2 Pro

I will probably leave mine in all the time, but I could see wanting to remove it if it got soaked somehow or if I wanted more light in the tent. Quite a few people on here have glued outdoor carpet to their roofs with no issue

I like the light in the summer - so I plan to remove the headliner when warm, but use it in the winter when condensation is more of an issue.

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Iā€™ll chime in since I did the full carpet headliner. The one pro I see of doing that - no seams and one complete piece. Itā€™s a PIA to put up and you def need two people. The con, itā€™s permanent and you cant remove/clean if needed like the GFV stuff. I put it up to also block the light in the summer. Those 4:30am sunrises in the Montana summers are brutal lol.


I havenā€™t installed mine yet, but I think itā€™s great to be able to pop it out. You can hose it off, dry it in the sun if needed, or change your mind and go bare roof, or even go in sections, half headliner half bare roof. When I saw the velcro solution I was sold.

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Just wanna say this looks awesome and I am definitely doing the same.

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Yeah, the white Velcro is key. Great call on finding it on McMasterā€™s website


The poly outdoor carpet is a good solution to end the indoor rainforest effect in tent. However, you will want to be able to take it out and clean it and from time to time disinfect it. A headliner will collect a lot of moisture during regular use so it really needs to be aired out.
A headliner is a great addition though! Iā€™ll never forget the first night we camped in our GFC 4 years ago on the drive home from Belgrade. That next morning everything was drenched from having the tent closed up all night. Live and learn :slight_smile:


Manā€¦ The Headliner, Tangerine Tent and the Black n White Flannel Sheets look awesome together!!!

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Excellent choice using the white velcro!!! That looks super clean!

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Does the headliner interfere with access to the internal t-slot or cover up the V2 pro factory LEDs up top?

It minimally interferes with the use of the track. Itā€™s still usable but you may need to maneuver the headliner away from the track a little. I donā€™t about the factory Pro lights, I only have a lowly V2.

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It doesnā€™t interfere with the output of the Pro lighting :+1:t2: