Is the V3 here? June 18th Update

Okay, good to know. I just ordered the current upgrade latch kit, but they are still in the box. Curious to see what these are about.

As someone who just had their camper installed two months ago, I’m a little bummed to see all these upgrades right after my install was moved up. They are very nice changes though so we’ll see what the upgrade path looks like for current owners before getting too bummed. Such good improvements!


Same man!!! I think you and I both had August dates that were pushed to May right? m
Let’s hope a good path for people to upgrade.

Yep same deal! At the end of the day, I chose to move the date up so I get it. But obviously would have waited if I’d known this was coming.

We’ll see! Since we already have the mattress maybe the upgrade cost will be reasonable. Or maybe they’ll throw us a bone and do it for free (wishful thinking) :joy:

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I highly doubt free :rofl:. We can hope.

I am willing to pay for tent, headliner, and lighting (maybe).

Biggest thing for me is the tent upgrade the rest can DIY other options if need be.

I agree it was our choice to change the date. I do wish they would have said that there were changes coming and if we wanted to change we can otherwise wait for the changes.

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definitely getting the tent upgrade. Props to GFC for actually making the upgrade a possibility. So many other products just wouldn’t do that


Well I’ll be damned, they listened and did it. And selling upgrade kits for older owners, love it

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True! A lot of companies would probably just discontinue and make you buy a new one. Love GFC!

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now we need @julian to make bug screens or coordinate someone who can since his are proven and so well done :rofl:


Yeah that new tent design is looking clean!


it’s soooo good

I can imagine the people that just received their campers are upset that their camper did not come with the upgrade. I purchased my camper with the $1000 off promo a few months back. Unfortunately, they do not appear to be honoring the promo price. Here is the email I just got after the announcement: “You can upgrade your camper to a PRO for $1,000. That $1,000 is the difference in base price from what you paid at, and our current base price of $8,450. Paying that upgrade fee would just bring your build up to our current base price to cover the added features we put into the PRO.”

I will likely pay for the upgrade, but it kind of feels a bit like a bait and switch.


Hoping any installs after today’s announcement will include V2 Pro. Tried reaching out to them about it but no response. I have an install end of next week in Belgrade, but if camper is done and waiting I doubt I’ll have the Pro version.

Yea talking with @shadesbro he mentioned the same thing. Felt like he got pushed into an earlier install time (and many others it’s sounds likes) but hopefully it only costs you guys $1000 to at least maybe upgrade the tent insert! The upgrades def bring the v2 pro up to a higher level with some other competitors in the market which is great.

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I received the following email today, so stoked! I ordered prior to the sale with mid-July install coming up so seems like the sale discount is the cost of upgrades.

" Howdy Campers,

As you may know, we’ve recently launched the V2 Pro version of our camper, packed with innovative features and enhancements designed to elevate your camping experience.

Well, we have more great news for you. Your camper will be a PRO!

Thank you for being a part of our community and for your continued support. We are committed to providing you with the best products and services, and we look forward to seeing where your next journey takes you.

Warm regards,

-Team GFC"

Yea that’s about the price I was thinking it would be around.

I would jump all over an upgrade package in the 1k range. Too much more and it would be more practical to sell a V2 and purchase a new camper.

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Resale value of V2’s just took a dive :joy:


That’s great news for you! I know they said upgrade kits will be available July 1, so I’m guessing any install after that will be V2 Pro. I didn’t receive an email.

Im new to the forum so i appoligize for anything i should already know. I have an install date of 09-27-24 on a 2022 Ford Maverick Hybrid. I got the upgrade with both windows and two doors. I just received the e-mail about the Pro and was planning to do a lot of the upgrades that the Pro offers. My greatest concern is the two windows. I got the windows for driver visability and personal security while in the bed of truck. Does anyone who didnt get the windows regret not getting the windows and does the Pro window tinting change any thing? Thoughts. My understanding is i can still change the build and take off the windows.