Is the V3 here? June 18th Update

So…the big announcement was…we have to wait until August?

I would have liked to know about pricing. Oh well, I can wait.


And here I was constantly refreshing the site all morning to see the upgrades… but no. Should have read the last paragraph of the email

I made a comment on the Facebook page that this feels like the old days of GFC when they were all about the hype than the actual details especially when they said the information regarding pricing would be available July 1st…


yeah the information was available on july 1st: that it will be available to order on Aug 1st!

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Looks like bundle for me. Scared to see the price.

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I’m guessing around 1k for tent. But, that’s just a guess.

I think you are probably on the money with the guess. Would be nice for them to offer us (current owners) the same upgrade price that in progress builds were offered ($1k for tent, latches, lights, headliner; they got more but we can’t get some of the pro upgrades I think that’s fair). But I won’t hold my breath for this blessing :rofl:.

I’m wondering if the upgraded tent will have to be installed in Montana or are the other shops they set up in other states going to be able to do this. Also, does anyone know what the panel edge trim?

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I’m not GFC, and I don’t really know, but considering that the water intrusion fixes were done at affiliate shops, I’d guess the new tent is likely able to be installed at affiliate shops.

I did see the trim on the cabana panels, it looked like a well-chosen version of the usual ribbed-rubber-with-spring-steel-liner push-on trim. Made the cabana panels look more finished. For me personally it’s an upgrade because my truck sits so low, should help on occasions when I crash my skull on a corner.


I saw in one of your YouTube videos that the panel corner sits exactly at eye height… glad I don’t have that problem!

I too am hoping that we can have the tent installed at an affiliate shop. DIY tent replacement seems like a big enough pain that I would honestly prefer to drive to Montana if need be.


Looking forward to the RTT version for my new 2024 4Runner. I almost pulled the trigger on a different RTT. I am glad I heard about the V2 Pro.

i dont think they got anything for RTT only. that V2 pro is only for camper.

I was under the impression the V2 Pro changes are coming to the RTT. I hope I was not misinformed.

What ?

Definitely reach out to GFC support.

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hmm maybe superlite v2 pro
but given how they stopped it i doubt it

I don’t think it will be a Superlite, I am hoping the current RTT platform will get the V2 Pro upgrades.

Was in Belgrade yesterday for my install. One of three scheduled for the day, apparently. Makes sense as it was a holiday weekend. The other two campers installed were Pro versions. Mine was not. Based in my conversations with the support leading up to my install date the Pro upgraded tent can be installed by an affiliate shop.

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Graeme discussed RTT parts in the Facebook GFC Group Q&A…

Good information from the FB Group. I don’t have a RTT yet, so this is promising.