Wanted to start this thread as a unified place for things, since I now have a few products. This will be where I give all existing and new product updates. Hopefully this will stop me spamming the forum with updates on multiple threads.
Update StepUps and MagSpots…
Oregon is currently being hit with a winter storm and all the raw materials that were supposed to be here Friday got delayed. I was planning on getting a ton done this weekend but that is not happening now. Hopefully everything comes Monday, and I’ll take a day off work and crank out as much as I can.
Update HatchLatch
I have the same issue as above with all the raw aluminum so will still hit the March 1st date no problem, but wont be going out as early next week as i’d hoped.
Thanks for the understanding and please reach out if you need to!
Were you ever able to get a video clip of the latches that we spoke about? If you don’t have any material maybe you have time to make that video now. Thanks to you I will be keeping my V1 for the summer. Who knows maybe even longer if you keep pumping out these needed mods. Keep up the hard work and appreciate everything you’re doing for us V1 users.
Wow. Great concept for a locking mechanism. Super cool way to solve that problem. Really cool idea. I hope that design proves to be workable. Geniously simple. I love it.
@ace7196 Yeah that’s the exact part. The plan was to just buy that, some stainless 1/4-20 all thread and be done, the share it with everyone, but the knob is a bit to big even once I ground it down as thin as I could. Trying to figure out a solution to make it work, or a housing for the mechanism to make it smaller. Maybe even just a wedge washer since there is some play in the GFC slot.
HatchLatch Update:
FedEx truck with the raw aluminum rolled over in the storm (everyone is ok) and is in a tow yard somewhere along I5 A new shipment on the way and should still get everything out by March 1st. The first 10 people that ordered should be receiving theirs next week!
Overall Update:
In order to focus on the job that actually puts food on the table I am not making any more parts for at least a few weeks, so what the site shows in stock is what I have available. It will block ordering after the available stock is sold. I am still working on quite a few new ideas that will hopefully turn into something cool.
Again thanks for all the orders and support. You guys are awesome.