Julian's 2021 TRD Pro Build

Thanks @benawheeler! I made this graphic by “hand” in Figma utilizing exported Google Maps KML data. This process requires a ton of manual adjustment and retracing as the raw data rarely lines up with the projection and scale of the base map graphic. I try to get it as close as possible but like to think of these as more of diagrams vs. true to scale maps. :beers:


That is awesome Julian, what a year. Was it your citizenship ceremony? If so, big congratulations to you.

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Dear God this is incredible. Well done


Holy crap!!! These things are amazing!!!

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Absolutely brilliant build. Thanks for documenting everything here. I found a ton of inspiration in this thread!

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@julian I’m looking at RV Starlink for my very spartan “mobile office”.

How much power does your Starlink draw while you’re using it?

You still using the Overland Equipped setup? It looks like it been taken out in later photos. Curious as to why? Also, this page has been super helpful in planning out my build. Super clean installs and gear choices!

@Vice_Chief Thanks so much! After booting up in the morning the Starlink holds steady with a constant draw of around 40 – 60 watts. Our 200w solar panel keeps our battery near full during the day and easily replenishes any overnight use once the sun is out again. We kill power to the dish and router before going to bed, too.

@Coastal Nice catch! So I ended up heavily pairing back my “front of house” accessory plans. I was definitely stuck in the “let’s find anything and everything to bolt to truck” part of the build journey at that moment in time. Learned quickly I would not need any of that stuff I quoted so sold the part. I’ll probably ditch the aux lights I have on the truck too to simplify further as they get so little use.


Custom GFC Tailgate Bug Screen
How did you attach the top of the bug screen to the GFC topper?

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Hey @Cybercat I go into a decent level of detail on this thread. Rare Earth Magnets and 3M Velcro strips were used. If you scroll up you’ll find detailed photos and write up.

For everyone else who has been watching this thread for specific material list and some crude measurements, you can find some of that below. Measurements should follow if we can find the piece of paper where we wrote 'em down.

Most of the material for screens:

Magnets on truck:

Magnets sewn into screen:


I’m still out on the road but my father-in-law was able to find these original measurements we took. We can’t recall if these accounted for seams but should be a good starting place to get you going!

First diagram: Full side screen
Second diagram: Bug mesh/window detail
Third diagram: Half of tail gate

Stoked to see what y’all make from this.


Such a great detailed build!

Any chance you remember where you picked up these grommets?


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Awesome build Julian! Incredible how detailed this thread is. Thank you!


Thanks @Buhlockaye @GFCTundra! Grommets are all from Home Depot in the hardware aisle — the drawers near the washers if I recall correctly.

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Quick update from the road!

Our @GFC got us through a solid February down in BC/BCS :mexico:

(:point_up_2: Having some “fun” trying to get out to a beach) :roll_eyes:

(:wave: Hi @DirtTrailsWanted )

Followed by visits to 30 National Park Service units in 30 days in March! :evergreen_tree:

Stoked for what is still to come this year after a quick break back in the bay. :pickup_truck::dash:



2 questions:

Did the fan help cut down on condensation issues?

Did you ever upgrade the mattress?


Hey @GainzGFC!

  1. Fan continues to be one of our favorite and most used modifications in our camper. Has completely alleviated our condensation issues when cold-weather camping.

  2. Our mattress remains stock. We’ll throw down our Nemo backpacking pads (especially when staying in one location for many nights) but for quick overnights we’re content as it is!



Are the screens available for purchase yet?! What a great build, thanks for the inspiration!


What size BFG’s you running?

Build Update 11/19/23 — Introducing Power to the Rear of the Cab

It’s been a minute! Checking in with a quick build update:

I dropped in a hardwired Blue Sea Systems Dual USB port along with a Dometic 12V port to the rear of the cab for convenient charging of accessories that used to clutter the front cup holders. While the center console was ripped out, I also took the opportunity to run the wiring for my external antenna.

I routed all the wiring directly to the engine bay, passing through the center console and dash, keeping it completely out of sight. I’m stoked on how “factory” looking everything turned out.

There are a few more modifications I’m working on, including setting up wireless monitoring for my dual battery system, flat mounting my Starlink, and finally mounting a winch. I’ll share a few dedicated updates on these as they progress. Stay tuned! :v: