Julian's 2021 TRD Pro Build

Interesting, I thought for some reason you had switched from a secondary AGM battery under the hood to a yeti power station in the cab or something. I have the same OGE dual battery setup, surprised you can run Starlink off that battery along with everything else.

darn I wish someone would just make them. I don’t have the means to see that lol

FWIW, I am going to try to source these separately, but would still be interested in @julian version. That is clearly the benchmark!

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Grabbing a ton of inspiration for my build. Great work @julian


Julian, where did you purchase all of the screens and magnets, etc from? thanks!

He posted this at one point


On the topic of screens, did folks see this seller who makes them according to your measurements?

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Mine are holind up great. Sandi made them. If your interested i can find her connect.

yes please

but where do you buy it?


looked through that thread. seems like that’s her email. im sending her an email myself right now.

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Yup thats it

Nowhere near as sick as @julian but guess better then nothing.

oh yeah… can’t be too picky when I ain’t got the skills LOL

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I don’t either haha. Can’t we all just persuade @julian like a vote :rofl:.

@julian 2024!

wait no i mean @julian mosquito net 2024!

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I vote yes!

Appreciate the love here y’all. I can definitively say these screens are a one off and I will not be producing for sale. If we ever cross paths IRL I will happily show you how we put ‘em together. (Supplies listed in screenshot we’re purchased from Sailrite)

To help keep this thread on topic of the build, and efficient for new folks to read through in future let’s carry on from this one :metal::metal::metal:


I got a question on the duel battery…

If it’s just running a diesel heater and refrigerator is it a good investment and worth it…how long would it actually last before needing charging?

I ran into a issue with my flex solar generator were the 12v plugs stopped working…not a big deal but was on a month long road trip… I would have to mail it in…

So I’m contemplating either just adding a dual battery and keep them plugged into that system and use the flex for the other electrical stuff…

The other option I was thinking is getting a 500 to 700 wat smaller power station as back up…I had a yeti 150 came in handy but only ran it for 6 hours and then had to be plugged in… plus had to unplug the fridge to start the heater…no big deal but I was thinking about trying to have a little better back up plan…