Perfect torque wrench for travel 5-45 ft lbs, tiny size

EDIT 01/26/25 - Please read this thread!

This is just right for checking the torque on the main clamps (40 ft lbs) and also the cross braces (20 ft lbs). The handle is just under 12” long, the very nice blow molded case is 2” x 4.5” x 12.75” approximately.

The quality is excellent, the fine tooth ratchet feels precise and it just seems to be a great choice instead of carrying two different wrenches. The white on black laser etched markings are WAY easier to read than my other chrome wrenches. No more squinting! On sale now for just $24. I paid full price and think that was a bargain. I plan to get a cheap Harbor Freight Allen set and carry just the 5/16” and 3/16” bits on trips.

3/8-Inch Drive Click Torque Wrench - 5-45 Ft-Lb/6.8-61Nm Torque Wrench, Dual-Direction Adjustable 72 Tooth Click Torque Wrench for Bike, Motorcycle and Car Repair

John Davies
Spokane WA

1 Like

Hi John,
Looks like a nice unit.
An opinion about Allen wrenches. Get quality hardened ones, Bondhus is my go-to brand. I have drilled out so many cap screws that other people stripped from cheap, rounded off hex keys it is ridiculous.
Safe travels . . .


Semi, thanks for the advice, I will chance a cheap Allen set and be really careful. The Bondhu$ ones are way out of my price range.

John Davies
Spokane WA USA

Does it list newton meters on the opposite side of the wrench?

Yes to nm scale, the webpage shows all this. As does that webpage title. ;(

John Davies
Spokane WA


Thanks for answering my question!