Anyone have the Rinse Kit Rack Shower?
….along with the Rinse Kit Hyperheater it looks pretty plug and play.
Kinda spendy but I’m tempted to pull the trigger and give it a try.
Anyone have the Rinse Kit Rack Shower?
….along with the Rinse Kit Hyperheater it looks pretty plug and play.
Kinda spendy but I’m tempted to pull the trigger and give it a try.
I grabbed a 13 gallon tank from IronMan 4x4 when they were on sale and combined it with my Joolca Hottap and have loved it.
Would be really interested in your experiences. I’ve been eyeballing a shower option for a while. I have a Joolca equivalent and it’s just not well suited for integration with the rig. Their little shower box doesn’t look too bad; the roof mounted thing is intriguing for sure.
…That’s a good sized tank.
…I’m on the fence but leaning towards doing it…if I do it’ll happen in the next two weeks before a trip I have planned.
I have the same setup with Joolca and IronMan4x4 and LOVE it.
I think it was one of your posts that led me to that solution. I just found out about the Kakadu Shower and I’m wondering if that wouldn’t be an easier unit since it has the power and pump integrated. Still costly though.
Never heard of this one before….looks like it could definitely be an option.
Kakadu is an Australian company and they seem to make some pretty quality products but agree still pricey. Running a 19 gallon front runner tank to a 12v rv pump and adjustable sprayer. Has worked really well for a lot of random jobs at the beach, washing dishes, water fills, etc.
I have a 13gal tank along with a camplux shower… I’m very interested in replacing it with the Kakadu shower. Just need to save up some funds.
Alright, so I just bought the Kakadu. I considered getting the Companion, but the Kakadu offers a 3 yr warranty and it’s only $70 more after shipping. Not pennies but not a huge difference for US-based support.
If anyone else goes to get one, there’s a code if you sign up to the newsletter. It’s “FREESHIP” and it gets you free shipping.
I’ll post my experiences after I’ve had some time with it.
Could you measure the diameter of the pump that you drop into water? Curious if it would even fit into my 13gal Ironman tank
For sure. I’ll do a real detailed look at the unit. Now I need to think about water tanks. I have a small truck, & small load capacity. My low bed rail height (13.5") eliminates a lot of nice options, or at least makes them awkward.
This article has an image of the pump, I believe.
I found this on the Kakadu site, I will still measure it later.
….so with all the great alternative products, suggestions and ideas you guys had… I went ahead and ordered the Rinsekit Rack Shower and Hyperheater today. I might even have it all installed by tomorrow. We’ll see.
So I’ll be the guinea pig.
But not of course without calling them and picking their brains about all the questions I had.
Cold Weather Use:
It can be used in Cold Weather. But when in Freezing …Below 32°…it must be weatherized after use. So you have to drain/expel all the water out after you’re done….so as to not damage the Internals due to Expansion.
They will also be coming out with larger water capacity models in the future…but they probably won’t be Roof Rack mountable.
I’m interested in maybe going this route …later on down the line for more water storage…they’re planning a single 12 Gallon tank option instead of having to stack Two -6 Gallon tanks.
I think their 2.25" estimate is reasonable.