My first thought was how scary that looked. Not a lot of room on the driver’s side!
Just picked up my GFC Friday… long list of things to do before the spring. Swapped in some KB Voodoo bed rails today and got the camper sealed up to the rails. Looking forward to building the bed out for our needs and getting out with the camper!
Here’s an early pic before getting the roof rack back together and final mounting… cut down my prinsu rack so it can fit under. Will have maxtrax and a road shower on the roof
Bed rails mounted and camper final mounted.
How do you like the way the voodoo bed rails mount up with gfc? I have factory plastic bed rails and not happy with the Interface between the two. The one ones have lost there structure and become wavy
i 100% recommend this move with a camper. whether it’s voodoo or relentless (i believe they sold some at one point) or making your own, it gives you a great surface to mount the camper on.
these use the bolts that hold the rail system in place to hold the rail caps down.
i put a layer of aluminum tape down to cover the factory holes prior to placing the rail caps down.
nice thing too with these, the gap that forms at the head of the bed was easily filled with some flat stock i picked up from home depot (1 1/4" x 1/8"). laid the flat stock down on some silicone i put on the back rail, then bulb seal on top of that. the flat stock brought that surface up to the same level as the new rail caps.
Are you also running the tailgate piece from them?
i am not… did not see as much of a need for that piece. save that $$ for another portion of the buildout. not sure yet how i’ll finish off that seal. for now i have some extra bulb seal that i cut in half and have on the top of my tailgate to form a better seal against the back door.
I also have the kbvoodoo rails. I wouldn’t recommend the company and I bought mine secondhand still new but the product meets a need. It gives a better surface for mounting the frame than the OEM rails. I also put aluminum tape on the top of the bedsides but I’m getting enough water intrusion that I’m going to pull the rail and install some sort of soft weatherstrip that wouldn’t hold water.
this is my only dealing with the company so far, but the product came recommended…
could you run a bead of silicone between the rails and the bed? could help keep weather from getting in between the rail caps
They have a long history of mediocrity and subpar customer service in response to valid complaints. It sucks because the design of many of the products is excellent and isn’t replicated elsewhere.
I don’t think silicone would work as well as a foam seal.
probably not… but after getting everything clamped down and aligned, i really don’t want to take it all apart again haha
I’m thinking something like this.
I put the rails on before the install so it wouldn’t be a second removal for me.
I noticed the intrusion after a pressure washing nasty mud off and not that much but enough that I feel the need to correct it.
they do supply a roll of that with the new rails
I like it so far. sturdier than I thought it was gonna be on the fiberglass.
It’s effing wild how easy this thing is to setup.
what awning is that on the passenger side
I bought the camper used from Jason (Tacodust).
I know he sells them. The awning came with it. It’s solid, but i’m not sold on having to crank it to deploy. That is complicated by the 3" bulge in the glass (It gets in the way of cranking it)
OK, gatcha, thank you