The Random GFC Photo Thread

Awesome! Can you send me some road numbers or GPS tracks for me??:crossed_fingers:
I need some lower elevation stuff for the winter, this would probably be good.


A couple more recent pics from some trips I just did.




What Kind of awning is that?


Blue notch road heading in to lake Powell
Awesome camping up near Hite


How far did you make it down the road? Can you get to the lake?


image|666x500 The road to the lake is quite mellow. we camped say 50 yards from the lake. At high water the lake would be 10 feet from where we camped
Also cool petrified wood in the area
Photo from said spot.


Here are a few from different trips this year:

Really enjoying the GFC. Great product that doesn’t weigh down the truck and makes a super fast camp anywhere.


Just another day in Montana!! :grinning:


I just got the '21 ZR2 & on the waitlist for the GFC camper. Could you tell the overall height of your ZR2 with the GFC on it? I am hoping it will fit in my garage. What did you do with cab radio antenna?


Perfect day for cleaning up the GFC! The accessibility in cabana mode is unlike anything else…


It fits easily in a std 7’ garage door.

I put the stubby antenna on recommended by GFC

How did you mount your table with the lock onto the tent? I’ve currently got a Front Runner rack and table setup and a RTT on order and have been trying to figure out how to make them work together a little better

It was a collection of custom things:

  1. I used the FrontRunner vehicle mounts, but removed the rack and made custom brackets to mount the GFC directly to the FrontRunner mounts.
  2. With the FrontRunner slats missing, I created some custom brackets that allowed me to attach the FrontRunner table slides to GFC mount brackets.
  3. I modified the FrontRunner table latch to attach to the side of the GFC.

It was a bit of messing around, but so, so worth it. I loving having access to a full size prep table, and being able to stow it outside of the vehicle. If you’re weighing it up, I’d say it’s definitely worth it.

Hey man, sick build. As an owner of a cement off-road, I’m jealous and curious as to your lift/wheels/tire setup. Thanks :call_me_hand:

Thanks :+1:t4: I’ve got fox 2.5 dsc front n rear. Camburg UCA’s, OME HD leaf springs. Wheels are Enkei RPT1’s and Toyo AT3’s - 285/75/16 :sunglasses:

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