What do you use to level vehicle for sleeping?

RV leveling blocks here as well.

usually i drive around the campsite to look for level ground because my tailgate is also the kitchenā€¦ when when youā€™re making food a leveled surface is good so you donā€™t have grease pooling up on one side of the griddle lol

i use those RV leveling blocks from Walmart if itā€™s really off and I want to deal with it. I think those are like $40 for a set or something.
if my friends are with me then they stack rocks for me. they think itā€™s fun soā€¦ more power to them i guess lol

for me if itā€™s 1 degree off from my dash reading then iā€™m ok with it. 1 degree off donā€™t make that big of a difference when making food anyways.

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Ditto. A little back end up angle helps me sleep better. I use cheap Walmart RV stackables, too. I donā€™t like too much side to side angle, as then I feel like I end up on the tent wall or waking up half falling out the empty square.

i see those cheap walmart RV stackables as disposables lol

i see them as oil filterā€¦ when the time comes, just throw them out and get new ones.

Rocks, logs mostly. Iā€™ve aired down, dug in by spinning tires and used the lego block RV levelers. Those are great! Downside is I forgot them one time, then it snowed too much for me to get back up there to get them :frowning:

I have traction boards, but I also cut a few 2x10" boards with angled cuts to make them ā€œrampsā€. I screwed two together to make it a few inches high. I have two of these, and I usually just dig a small hole under the high side tire.

T level in my cup holder is pretty good at determining level. I use rocks or Lynx blocks to level.