What's your kitchen setup?

I built a chuck box from the plans on the REI website. It’s bulky, but I can have everything I need to make some nice camp meals. I’m considering building out the bed of my truck and doing a slide or something similar. I love having lots of counter space.


What are the closed dimensions of this box?


I’ve been wanting to make a piece of wood that sits on supports in the drawer like you have so I can put my stove on it. This is definitely making me what to do it now

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It’s definitely a nice addition to the drawer for cooking, hanging out, and using it as a small workplace.
I’ve actually been meaning to add an updated photo here. Our build-out has changed since that photo.


This would be a great addition. I’m tired of digging everything out of a tote every time I cook or make coffee. I’m glad you posted that.

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That is seriously one of my least favorite things. Having to move anything to get to stuff drives me absolutely nuts. This set up has certainly made life a lot easier.


I took inspiration from Julians build and did a snow peak table inside my v1…

Got it sent up to have a coffee and tea station


well done!!!

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I love the slider connection, sweet set up!

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Definitely my favorite mod…

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