Awnings! What are your thoughts?

…I have an OVS 270 LTE Awning on 2 GFC Mounts and it’s 1 Inch above the GFC Roof.

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I’ve had an awning since day one. Eating inside works, kind of But no substitute for sitting at a table and relaxing! I started w an Off-roading brand awning, and moved up to a Slumberjack Roadhouse this week. Pics here are taken in a pasture


FYI CVT’s bend location is moving to Utah. They currently have up to 80% off items in stores (only).

I called and it looks like 270’s are 20% off. $750 for this awning is a pretty good deal.

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What if any quick release options are people using for the OVS 270 LTE and GFC universal brackets?

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I like your setup !! very modular and practical.

I like simple here’s how I set mine up. Hooks on the t-slot

this is what I use to connect it to the T-Slot.
LB Adventure Gear GFC T-Slot “Devils Tongue” Hook | Lumbering Bear Adven (


Has anyone been in recent contact with Matthew at Kinsmen?

I’ve been trying for over a week to get in touch via email and phone with no response whatsoever. I know it’s been discussed previously on this forum, but the lack of response seems off for such a high end product. Love the awning and seriously considering getting one, but concerned about support after I purchase. On that note, everything is still sold out on the website so seems like something is up.

4th of july week?

I know some small business’ /sole proprietors may need to take time off now and then.

Just a possibility

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Absolutely fair and completely understandable. Hoping I can get in touch this week, but more curious if anyone had heard from the company recently about when they may start taking orders again (assuming they will).

Anyone notice these on GFC’s website recently? :sunglasses:


Ooh, wonder if these ones work on the rear without butchering them :thinking:

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Maybe im missong something.

What is the benefit to these vs the universal mount?

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I think just that it is all billet instead of bent steel. Is more consistent with GFCs overall design language.

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What bolt pattern did you use to mount the ovs to the universal mount?

I have an LTE i am going to mount and was thinking of doing 4 bolts on each mount in the long slots but im nervous about the awning sliding down the mounts so i am consdering doing a triangle pattern on each universal mount with one bolt in the top center hole and two in the bottom outer slots.

Curious what others did

I mounted my OVS 270LTE to the universal brackets with the 4 long slots IIRC. Its been a while but I think you can’t really mount it so it can slide in the slots, its maxxed out on one of them. I’d run out and check but rode the motorcycle to work, I will check on my lunch break

Dang those are sexy

That would be awesome, thank you!

For those of you that have 180 or 270 awnings, how did you decide which side you wanted to shade?

My main use of the GFC is 24 to 48 hour quick camping trips where cooking is a big focus. Mostly solo.

My rig is pretty small/light so I wasn’t even considering awnings until the clevershades came around. 26 pounds for 270 degrees.


I chose passenger side for mine incase I ever had a tight camping spot that was basically just a pull off on the side of a forest road. In the grand scheme of things I dont think it matters much but that 1/100 time it might


I agree with @pat_man I did passenger side for the same reason.


Play mode as mtb shuttle to the park, and base camp once there.