Is the V3 here? June 18th Update

I don’t see this on the GFC site, am I missing something? Do you mean the latch covers or are they selling the new latches for upgrading existing campers?

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@psymmes The new pro camper will be receiving a whole new latch and subsequent latch covers. The new covers will NOT work with the non-pro campers without modifications as the new latches are larger

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It is absolutely unfortunate and sucks to see but that’s how things go. All is to be expected.

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Who cares LOL. GFC has been constantly making changes and updates from the very beginning by listening to ALL their customers, not just some whiny youtubers. All the while sticking to their original mission and MO. And now they’ve just decreased the gap in features compared to their closest competitor and still thousands of dollars cheaper.

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@sanfilipposd It matters to those who have created a business/side gig out of it. Always sucks loosing people tightly woven into the community, even if they are just “whiny YouTubers”. Always gotta look at both sides. Some people DO care, even if it doesn’t affect them


There are a current set of latches that are available. They are an upgrade, as you can insert the key either way. You can contact GFC for these. They fit on current “standard” v2’s without modifications.

The v2 Pro is coming with fully new latches, and they appear to be much better. The v2 Pro version comes with the latch covers. These would more than likely involve cutting current customers panels. They appear to be a bigger latch.


Haha you must be talking about my video :wink:. I had talks with quite a few interal people a little over a year ago and they implemented a lot of the stuff/feedback. It wasn’t just me either but quite a few notable people and those who used the camper year round gave quite a bit of constructive feedback. Graeme is doing great things and when we chatted back in December he mentioned he was turning things around. So far, he has kept alot of those promises and it’s great for the community and future customers.


Yeah who cares about a bait and switch right?

I mean, why delete peoples posts and block users from the forum if they were listening all along?


Let me start by saying, I like my GFC and depending on price, I will probably upgrade the tent and keep it for years.

But it really feels like GFC was arrogant and felt like they had a perfect product so they ignored and banned people that would say otherwise. Then sales took a dive and orders were being canceled so they had no choice but to improve their product to stay competitive in the market with so many other options now available. I’m not going to go down the rabbit hole talking about weight and price point. All I’m saying is that if GFC had at least been transparent about what they were planning to bring to the table, they most likely would have sold more units than they did.

Pretty excellent marketing strategy with the sale they did earlier in the year. Sold a boat load of units and now we’re paying the difference. Feel sorry for the folks that paid $8450 for the old V2.

I’m excited to see this! Yeah, a small part of me is like “damn, should have waited” but then again, I’ve been enjoying my V2 since I picked it up in October 2023 and have been super happy with it, with the exception of the locks and latches, which I can now upgrade.

I think the upgrade kit is an awesome option for those of us with older V2s and V1s. Overall I think they did a nice job with the Pro!


Almost a no win position for GFC to be in.
On one hand you have the need to continually improve the product and continue to innovate. Although i am a new owner it has been something I’ve been watching closely for 3 years taking to different owners reading the forums etc to understand the positive and negative side of the product/design.

On the other hand you have a customer base to keep happy and at some point there’s going to be a line drawn for when those changes get rolled into production.
Speaking for myself at least, I understand that and that the camper i had installed in April 2024 probably isn’t going to be the same as the camper offered in later years but that doesn’t mean i want to be 30-45 days on the wrong side of that line.

However as a consumer who tries to make informed decisions i hate the way this all rolled out. It really feels that those of us who moved up their install dates at GFC request were not given the full picture in order to make an informed decision. I find it hard to believe in February or whenever they sent out email requests to move up install dates GFC didn’t know this was coming. Instead of saying hey you can now move up your install. Why not provide us the full picture to allow us to make an informed decision. I would have much rather seen an email that said something to the effect of big changes are coming this summer and we have some options for you to consider

Option 1 keep your V2 with the partial updates turbo nap double sided key locks and semi improved tent design (interior pockets) etc. We have also increased capacity and can now move up your install date at no charge and no additional cost if you wish, and if you choose this option you can always upgrade your camper at a later date ala carte style with many of the key improvements.(disclaimer not all updates will be available ala carte)

Option 2 “the upgrade package” you can keep your initial install date and choose to upgrade to the V2 Pro. The catch since V2 Pro comes with some significant upgrades and is not going to be available at the reduced sale pricing you recieved there would be an additional cost of $xxxx to upgrade your upcoming camper to the Pro.

To me at least this would have allowed me to make a more informed decision on the best way to proceed. Some folks may not be concerned with the updates and want the lower sale pricing value. Others may choose to upgrade as these features are desired.

Edit i get current pending orders are kinda getting that choice this was more for the rest of us new owners who moved up their installs at GFC urging and we were all scheduled for post V2 Pro rollout install dates


can’t wait for another price hike and a V3 next year lol

Thank you to those who provided input regarding the windows. Much appreciated.

Where are you seeing the upgrade option? I sniffed around the website but cannot find it.

OG V1 owner here…#383. I think the thing I’d like to change most is the tent.

Check out the screenshots posted by Shadesbro - they specify what can and cannot be upgraded. Looks like there are quite a few upgrades for V1 owners, including the tent.

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Source for the screenshots @shadesbro posted is here -


Yes scroll all the way to the bottom.

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:wave: Catching up on all of this news while sitting in build #1173 from the shores of Cape Breton!

Stoked on the new zipper orientation and especially the no-see-um mesh (those lil’ guys have been slipping into the tent and eating us up here in Nova Scotia — I’ll spare y’all the photos of our arms) :joy:

I’ll personally be getting on the list for the a la carte tent upgrade! Such a quality of life game changer.


I’m stoked for the updates. Any manufacturer does it. I bought my Z71 Colorado 6 months before the surprise released the ZR2. Someone earlier mentioned “you purchased the thing you wanted”.

I’d rather they improve and innovate than die.