Superlite is here!

Ha! I tried. That video was great. I gave her play by play as I watched it. By the end she smiled and said we can’t road trip to Montana to pick it up until tax season is over. (She’s a tax person) I might be winning her over. Very, very slowly.

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new guy here! thought i would jump on the forums to compare notes. i just got a notice about possible March shipping. i purchased my Superlite 1st week of September with a possible November ship date originally. i think its great that they are perfecting things rather than rushing to production. i had to go through weeks of explaining to the wife what a rooftop tent was but after seeing the videos i think shes on hoping theres more videos to come. cant wait… come on March!


Hey, I’m looking to place an order but not sure if this would work for my setup. I have a 5th gen 4runner with full length prinsu. My only issue is I’m running an S8 lightbar that currently sits an inch above the other rails. I can possibly drop the bar another 1/4-1/2 inch with another set of light bar brackets but the tent will definitely have to extend a bit past the lightbar in the front. Can someone at GFC confirm how high the actual bottom panel of the tent will sit from the top of the cross bars with the mounting rail and hardware? Will the superlite clear okay or am I SOL?

Any updates on the quick release system ?

@joe_j79 this is a great questions for the CS team. Shoot an email over to

@kwesterh no updates yet, but we’re working on it!

Hi Taylor, I reached out to cs but didn’t get a definitive answer. Cs rep thinks the brackets and rail might be around 1/4” each, but I’m hoping that’s not the case. The rail and machined bracket/plate meant for t-slotted rails Graeme held in the FAQ video look noticeably thicker so I hope production parts will net me at least an inch of clearance above the rails. Worse case scenario, maybe I could double up on the brackets from you guys and use longer bolts to raise the tent a little bit to clear my light bar. Regardless, my order is in so hopefully it all works out.

Hey man, the actual height of the mounting tracks on the SuperLite is 3/4". The machined bracket might go through a design revision in order to refine and simplify the mounting process, but right now it is right around 1/4".

My best recommendation for you is to configure your lights once you have your SuperLite mounted up. That’ll take any guesswork out of the equation.

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Thanks Taylor. Hopefully I should be good with the inch of clearance. I assume the quick release will add a little extra height as well?

Since the quick release is still in development, I don’t have solid info for you on its dims. Apologies.

Any thoughts on mounting Superlite on low profile crossbars over a Silverado standard size truck bed? Bed is 79.4 inches long and superlite is 90 so obviously will be some overhang off the back when tailgate is closed. But this isn’t my long-term vehicle for this tent so with just ~6 months in mind I think I convinced myself I’m willing to have a little overhang and low profile, rather than investing in large over the cab ladder rack or topper. Hoping still on for mid-march fulfillment!

Looking at Yakima BedRock HD System crossbars.

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I’m also worried about the overhang.
Any clarity on minimum crossbar spread?
I’m looking at having around 40inch overhang on the “front” but the whole rear of the tent will be fully supported.

I got this from GFC when I asked a similar question:


Thanks for sharing @DoubleDown. Interesting this PDF isn’t widely published on the website…

I suppose a full-size truck with standard bed doesn’t have a lot of chances of hitting the specs for a Superlite then. The stake pockets are > 60 inches apart (on my 6.5ft bed), so don’t buy any over the cab ladder type racks that just have two crossbars mounted at or near the pockets. Then with low profile crossbars that mount on the bed rails, you won’t get the rear crossbar mounted far back enough in the bed to hit that 16 inch or less mark to the end of the tent. Looks like it’ll be 21 inches or so.

I guess get a topper or go home…

Seeing some people receiving their tents on IG. How realistic are the fulfillment goals that were provided back in November at this point?


Anyone planning to use a modular bed rack, like something from KB Voodoo? Seems like a pretty good fit for a half-ton truck.

Thanks. That helps a lot.

So I mounted my tent on my Tacoma (double cab short bed) with prinsu racks on the leer camper and on my cab. With the Superlite on the rear rack over the camper and with the overhang on the cab there was A LOT of rubbing/rattling on the front cab rack from the vibrations on the bed while driving.
I’m worried about adding another set of brackets on the front cab rack and causing cracking/warping on the tent. Any thoughts?

Also, can you guys confirm that the quick release will have a locking/anti theft feature? The 80lbs is awesome but it also makes it easy to get off and throw into the back of a truck in the middle of the night or at a trailhead while on a hike.

@JFB419 have you considered a shorter rack, prinsu habitat rack or martin off road, sherpa (or cut down your current one). im not sure how much over hang you have - or your exact set up, but removing the rack from under the over hang is what i would probably do

Really don’t want to cut the rack as I plan on taking the tent off when it isn’t in use. One of the reasons I think the superlite is so great, easy to get on and off.
I’m looking at some rubber chafing gear or something like that currently.
I also saw the quick release system might raise the tent slightly off the crossbars? But that seems to be a big secret.
Just really wish I had that chart when the tent was purchased so I had a better idea on the mounting limits.

I’m looking over any and all pics of Super Lites installed on a prinsu. I’m still hoping that it will still clear my light bar since it sticks out higher than the top of the crossbars. I’ve found brackets to lower it but I’m still around 3/4" higher than crossbar height. Measuring the 90", I will have a bit of overhang over the front of the rack/lightbar so 1) i’m hoping the rails on the bottom of the tent are set back far enough to clear my light and 2) the added height from the rail will be enough to clear that 3/4".

Seems to me if I won’t be able to figure out that clearance issue, I could use the quick disconnect that was briefly shown on IG, but does anyone else worry that you’re putting the entire load (tent+occupants) on 4 points/two crossbars? Would there be any way to add something to the rail or crossbars that are equal height of those quick disconnects so that weight is distributed across all the crossbars like you would if you mounted the super lite with the regular hardware?

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