TELL US! GFC Camper Shell!?

Two totally different platforms, I don’t camp enough to need a camper full time so I can easily take my super lite off and throw it back on the weekends I wanna camp and not have a tent on my truck 24/7. That said I loved my platform camper too.


Same, I love my platform camper, but it’s an amazing option to have available if a change were ever required. Or, as I said, use for a work truck.
Plus it’s a genius way for GFC to be in multiple markets with real pricing options for folks. The Subaru of camper shells lol.

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I know final numbers will probably be different and if you aren’t sworn to secrecy… but how much does the cap weigh? Being able to move/remove that with one person would be a market disruptor as well.

I’m totally going to get one of these to run as my winter setup in the PNW. Swap the camper out with the shell when the snow tires go on the truck.

It’s really going to boil down to weight and cost. I think I’ve already talked myself back down from a full blown camper (cost and how often I camp being the determining factors) but was considering the SuperLite on a rack that goes over my Softopper. If this is light enough to easily remove and has a weight bearing rack built into its core then I might be willing to swap out my ultralight setup for that. I hope they announce it soon with details… before I order my bedrack.

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Just doing some back of napkin math here… per the GFC website the platform camper is ~300lbs and the RTT is ~135lbs so I bet just the shell will be right around 180lbs.

It’ll be curious to see if that pans out. At 180 lbs thats as heavy as the steel campers like the SmartCap. I’m hopefully they can get this thing under 150 with the honeycomb & aluminum panels. I am not optimistic that it’ll have a pass through window to the cab.

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It’s certainly a lot lighter than 180lbs. It’s big so removing it with one person would be hard no matter how light it is. That said it’s significantly lighter than my snugtop or are mx.


Does it have the hurricane hinges (and thus removable panels all around?) I’d be happy to just have a frame/rack sometimes, it’d make it somewhat less necessary to remove.

Yup it’s effectively the same as the V2 frame.

Still waiting for any news on this. Would love to see it in 2022. I’d even volunteer to be one of the first Gladiator installs!

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@GFC_Support Are canopys in the pipeline? I’ll be buying a canopy in the next few months and don’t want to get a Leer only to have these released the next week.

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You should be safe, this has been teased for 2 years at this point.

18 months later and I think they missed the mark on the reveal. I don’t want a modular bed rack, there are already better options available that cost less. I wanted a GFC without the weight of a tent on top.


Agreed, I just don’t see the competitive advantage of this rack in an already saturated market… I really wish they would build a modular canopy/platform camper combo where you can swap the tent and a hard top depending on your needs. I would love to save some MPG and wind noise during the months I’m not camping.


They completely missed the mark on this. Others on diff forums are saying the same thing. Should have done a cap.


Isn’t this just something new? I bet they will come out with the camper shell someday.


I think it’s pretty awesome. I’m sure there are people that will buy it and love it.

I tested the camper shell for nearly two years it’s a great product and will certainly be worth the wait.


It would also be dope if they offered some kind of trade-in program for V2 owners who would prefer this.

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