100%. Its amazing how many “overlanders” and “outdoor enthusiasts” completely miss this point because they need _______ to make them happy or their rig “complete”. Be happy with what you have, stop the entitlement mentality of someone (or a company) owing you something, and stop looking at the next thing to make you happy.
Get outside and get after it as @Ben said. Get your truck filthy, get stuck, get lost etc.
Its not an adventure until something goes wrong… but you all know that already.
There may be aftermarket rear door latches available in the near future. Stay tuned to the forum. If that happens it almost certainly will be communicated here. Not sure, but I believe GFC can upgrade your rig to a continuous tent. Check with them.
Am I the only one that just reaches out of the tent to close the latches on the tailgate door? Literally the easiest solution and costs nothing. Can even lock them if needed…
For me the only time I really need to be able to latch them is in high winds when I sleep in the bed, or when I am stealth camping and want the security. Both cases the tent is shut. The rest of the time it is for sure just a nice to have.
Lol yeah I don’t get people’s fascination with the new latch feature. It makes sense if you just have the topper rather than the full camper but reaching out of the tent is really not difficult.
And the continuous tent attachment is an improvement for sure but bugs will still find their way into the tent as soon as you open a panel without the bed fully in place.
I never did get the bug thing. I dont use any lighting in the tent, I make the bed when its light out. I also just hangout outside under the awning or under the stars until I’m ready for bed. Then I climb in get in the sleeping bag and go to sleep. The lighting is mostly the only thing attracting bugs.
V8 will have a heated 12-inch thick mattress that packs up into the 6-inch tent with your bedding still in place, the roof will be made of solar tiles capable of running an air conditioner, AND provides shiatsu massage… and some folk will still be pissed that it doesn’t have some other bullshit.
dude spot on. This is exactly what I am talking about. @d0bhran completely gets it.
I love the way this thread is now going.
Im holding off until version 9 which Ive heard is going to have a ball washer on one of the panels. Also heard they are looking at going away from the side/back panels and going to 16,000 individually installed micro-tiles that are super good for charging your crystals on a full moon. Lastly, hearing about a squat rack/kettlebell holder so you can jack the heavy steel while out and about.
My V1 is awesome. And despite some annoyances - GFC has been awesome and really taken great care of me.
The only annoying thing I see here is that I just bought a replacement tent for the side doors - and now there is going to be a significant discount to what I paid…Bummer but they’ve tossed me a few bones so I really can’t complain.
Still got V1 with the first edition tent material, which to me is great. The material is superbly waterproof, tough as nails, and I dont have to open the tent after a trip to let it dry out. GFC is en route to fix my hinges soon and I’ll be a happy camper. Lets face it, V1 is still better than most anything out there. If you dont want it anymore sell it and get on the list for a new one. Maybe when my 2018 Taco dies in 18 years ill see what V17 has to offer. GFC has been great through this entire process. What they have done with this company is really impressive and I feel they have done their best to support early adopters. It could have been a whole lot less generous imo.
V2+ will never be as cool as the V1 space frames. Granted, the v2 has some useful improvements, but they had to compromise on the best part of the design (IMO-not an engineer).
If you like the V2 better, great. Put in a deposit and sell your v1 with 0% depreciation.
and they said that there should be no issue with the screw stripping out. He did say not to over tighten it of course. they are pretty beefy in person.
I am glad they are confident, but mine stripped out using a screwdriver style bit driver being lightly tightened by hand. Since the part it threads into is not even a complete circle I’d still be really careful. Don’t see it as an issue with the hinge at all, just hoping to help people avoid stripping it.