Weboost Mount

Just 3 years for me. :slight_smile:

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Which dryer did you end up going with?


I’ll send you a PM

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That definitely looks like soggy filament to me. You can use your household oven to dry in a pinch as long as it’s convection. My filament drier doesn’t go up to the 80 celcius needed for PAHT-CF so I’ve used it several times with no adverse effects.

My printer is idle if you need help catching up.

I am interested in purchasing these!

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I’m getting on the schedule to have another run of 20 made in the next two weeks. I’ll post here once I have them.

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I’m interested as well, thank you, in advance!

Ok, I have the printing sorted for the cradles. I’d like to find a way to anneal them to make them stronger.

I’ve also had people ask me if I could do the cradles in aluminum. I could, but I think it will be close to the same price as the mount. So I’d have to sell the cradle in billet for close to $90. So people are looking at $185 for a pair.

Where as the printed ones out of PAHT-CF would probably run around $30. (I think, I need to do the math on it)

General update

  • I’ve got a batch of 20 mounts being run in the next few weeks. The machinist want to modify the design slightly so it fits better into the stock he purchases.
  • I’m printing cradles now out of PAHT-CF and they are pretty strong. I’ve had one of the early versions mounted on my truck now for over a month and it’s been off road and out in the weather and is holding up fine. I’ll list those for sale soon. The people who bought the first 5 I’ll be sending you some as well as new stainless bolts.
  • Reply here if you are interested in billet cradles.

After this run, I’m probably going to go ahead and do another 50 so I can have them up on a storefront.


Would like billet. :call_me_hand:t3::us:

I’m in for billet :star_struck:

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Awesome, there ya go man!! radius’ for the win and reorienting the print good work!!

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Giving an update so you guys don’t think this is dead. I’m looking for another machinist. I can’t get on the schedule for the other guy (or at least reliably). I’m probably going to do a larger run to manage costs once I get someone nailed down. I’m really hoping to support someone in the US.

As soon as I get a batch order in and confirmed I’ll let you guys know!


Sounds great, Jason!

I’ve been using one of Jason’s mounts since August and have been very happy with the quality of the machining and how they’ve held up over time. Instead of mounting the WeBoost to the top of the GoFast, I mounted it to the side as I needed to maintain a lower profile to fit my truck into my garage. I was able to accomplish this with a few washers.

From my research this is the most elegant way to implement a WeBoost onto a GoFast equipped vehicle. It allows the WeBoost to be at the highest point of the truck, regardless if the GoFast is stowed or deployed, and doesn’t add to the height of the vehicle when the WeBoost is stowed.

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This is a creative implementation of the mount! I’m working on a revision and I’ll take this into perspective. I may even see if I can make a cradle that mounts on the side to set the antenna into.

Similar approach I took with my homebrew Weboost mount. I’m mounted on the trailing edge (mostly) below the roofline.


Are the mounts still being made ?

I’m working on a revised version that can be milled by a broader set of machines. This current design requires a bigger 5 axis that can run long bits. It’s been a challenge getting my original machinists time. So. Short answer. This exact version. No. A new version based on feedback. Yes. Soon.


Just wondering if the cradles were still being sold? @m0to If so id be interested

Yes, I’m doing a redesign right now. The original design has a lot of wastage and it requires high end machines to make them. I’ll post an update by the end of next week with some pictures of the prototypes as well as an ETA on when I’ll have them up for sale.

I’m behind getting people the cradles as well. So I owe those guys big time.