Drilling external port for solar / starlink


I’m looking for suggestions on how to pass solar or Starlink cables thru the exterior of the camper to the interior. I know drilling might be required, but not sure if there is some sort of hatch or port that can be installed to prevent water getting in. Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks!!!

Someone on here used a pvc threaded pipe fitting and put the cap on when Starlink is not in use. Wish I could remember who it was…

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Which generation Starlink/ device?

I recommend either using a waterproof cable

or if you want to get real high speed you can use a waterproof bulkhead connector

Depending on the number of paired wires passing through

Using Starlink mini. Today I’m just passing the cable thru the side panel leaving it a bit open. Looking for a more elegant solution and trying to install permanent solar panels on top

I keep thinking about using these rubber cable bushings when the Starlink is mounted, then plugging the holes with something when not in use.

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I keep putting it off as I consider different items I’d want to route through said hole. Initially I was thinking just starlink, but if I wanted to add solar, that’d change things.

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This was one of the cleaner installs -

That whole thread has a bunch of good ideas.

I have a Tacoma, so just used the bed corner gap to pass through the solar cables.


:wave: Details here:


That’s it! Too many cool builds on here, couldn’t remember who did it

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Here is my setup. Since I used Starmount I only needed power. If I add solar I would add another one. GFC told me I could not drill through the roof. Starlink Mount

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